Lydia sat on the comfy lounge in the corner, and opened her book to her recent page. Even though she's read this book countless of times, she could never get bored of it.

'I never liked writing concluding paragraphs to papers - where you just repeat what you've already said with phrases like "in summation" and "to include". I didn't do that - instead I talked about why I thought it was an important question. People, they couldn't bear the idea of death being a big black nothing, couldn't bear the thought of their loved ones not existing and couldn't even imagine themselves not existing. I finally decided that people believed in an afterlife because they couldn't bear not to.'

Lydia kept reading, and she didn't stop until the bell went off. She stayed in the library throughout her break, so now was third period.

She walked to her locker, her arm now hung low below her waist, as she swung her hips back and forth. People parted like the Red Sea when she walked past, gawking. Girls wanting to be her or be friends with her, guys wanting to be in Stiles' shoes and date her. Mostly sexual intentions which drove Stiles' mind insane.

Lydia punched in her locker combination, and placed her books into her locker. She saw Malia walking down her hallway with her phone in hand. Lydia smirked as she put her bag in her locker. Malia didn't have a chance. Yeah, she was a Were - Coyote but Lydia was a banshee. She could shatter her skull with a squeak if she wanted to.

"Malia." Lydia said, standing in front of the long - legged brunette.

"Lydia." Malia sighed. She knew what it was about, as she felt her heartbeat rising as her hands started to shake with nerves.

"You know, Facebook live can be an amazing thing, can't it? You can see awesome party's, raves, people making out with my boyfriend. Really, what a crowd pleaser." Lydia said. Her voice was sarcastic, dripped like venom of her tongue.

"Too bad. I guess Stiles likes me more. Sorry Lydia." Malia shrugged, as she wore a smart smirk which Lydia started to get irritated of.

"Listen here, bitch, at least I don't go round stealing everyone's boyfriends like whores!" Lydia spat, moving closer to Malia. Allison ran towards them, she knew it wasn't going to be good. She found out what was going on, so she ran into the toilet and watched the video Adele uploaded. Her nostrils flared with anger. "Glad your here Ali, hold my shoes." Lydia said, taking off her heels and handing them to Allison.

"Lyds-wa-" Allison was too late. Lydia was already on top of Malia. She had her pinned down, throwing punches every time she saw an opportunity. Malia rolled them over, so now she was on top. She flicked her claws out, and dug them underneath Lydia's shirt. She scratched down her back, which made Lydia yell out in pain.

Stiles ran down the hallway and tried to break them up. Nothing could stop the two girls.

"Lydia, please stop!" Stiles shouted.

Lydia was back on top, kicking her ass like her life depended on it. Lydia stood up out of breath, but Malia kicked Lydia in the lower back, causing Lydia to fall to her stomach. The kick to her back made her worry about her baby. Allison then jumped on Malia's back and scrapped with her. Scott grabbed Allison by her waist and pulled her off.

Lydia's back was bleeding through her shirt, and her back stared to form a purple bruise. Malia's eye started to swell, as her nose and lip bled red, striking blood. Something that Damon Salvatore would find satisfactory.

Stiles knelt down so he was at Lydia's height. Lydia's back began to throb which made her scream. It went through everyone's ears as they held them, scurrying off to find anywhere away from the shrieking.

"Stiles. The baby." Lydia cried. Stiles raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, we don't know yet Lyd's." Stiles said softly, rubbing her back to consult her in at least some comfort.

"Stiles, take me home. Now." Lydia said, a few tears dripping down her face. Stiles noticed the blood in her shirt as he nodded and granted her wish.


Lydia sat down on her couch, relieved to be sat in a comfortable position. Stiles lifted Lydia's shirt up, and started to rub at her back again. Lydia shut her eyes, enjoying the electricity and peacefulness running through her veins as he touched her.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Stiles cooed.

"You know what's wrong Stiles. I saw you kiss Malia. You kissed her back Stiles." Lydia started to well up with tears, from the pain and from her heart ache.

"I swear to you Lydia. I was drunk and I pulled away the second I realised I was kissing Malia. I never meant to hurt you, I promise. Fuck sake Lydia I love you so much. Please, please believe me." Stiles said, nearly crying along with Lydia.

"I believe you Stiles. I just can't forgive you yet." Lydia shrugged.

Stiles smiled. "It'll take time, I know."

"There's another thing..." Lydia's palms became sweaty. Stiles stopped circling his hand on her back and sat forward.

"Oh god, what is it."

"The day I found out you kissed Malia, I had a panic attack and fainted. I'm fine by the way. Then, they gave me an ultra sound. Stiles, I'm pregnant."

Stiles smiled, nothing but pure love in his eyes.

"Holy fuck." Stiles said, intertwining their hands. "Congratulations to us." There hands were like a jigsaw, they fitted together perfectly. "That fight was pretty brutal." Stiles chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. Lydia laughed along with him, as she lifted herself up. She scrunched her nose a bit as her back pain became uncomfortable.

Lydia walked up the stairs and Stiles followed her like a lost puppy, Lydia pulled out some long, black cotton pyjama shorts and a Beacon Hills hoodie with 'Stilinski' imprinted on the back. She had to pay extra for the name, but it was worth it.

Stiles watched Lydia with every move she made, and stared at her stomach where his baby was occupied. Even though it's still a fetus, it was something they made together. Even though it wasn't planned, it sure feels right.

Lydia sat on her bed across from Stiles, in 8 months everything was about to change. Their relationship, their relationship with others, how they live their lives. They just started at each other. She started to examine the little bump in between Stiles' nose, and his freckles at Lydia used to trace dot to dot with her fingers. His lips a plum pink colour, and his hair a shade of dark chocolate brown. Stiles had visible bags under his eyes, she knew he didn't sleep the night before and she knew he felt guilty. Well, he should feel guilty. He cheated on her.

"Stiles?" Lydia said softly.

"Hmm." Stiles mumbled, eyes still fixed on her face, never wanting to tear them away.

"Your not off the hook. I'm still extremely, mind crushing, to the point of homicide, pissed off at you." Lydia forced her eyebrows together, causing a line form in between them. Her nose scrunched up, but not on purpose. This was her angry face, but Stiles loved it.

Stiles smiled at her in amusement, Lydia turned her head to the side like a puppy who had just been asked if it wanted to go for a walk.

"What Stiles? What's so funny?" Lydia questioned.

"I love you." Stiles avoided the question. Lydia finally smiled back.

"Well, I guess I love you to."

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