Chapter 34

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(Your POV)

"(Y/N)! HOPES HERE!" My dad yells up the stairs. I close my laptop up and sit up in bed.

"TELL HER TO COME UP!" I yell back. I then start to hear pounding up the stairs.

Hope runs in and slams my door shut before laying her head at the foot of my bed and starting to cry. I look at her confused, I don't think I've ever seen her cry before! Then it hit me, what if Craig broke up with her?! What if she broke up with Craig?! What if those two are fighting?!

"Okay, how do you want me to kill Craig?" I ask. She looks up and wipes at her teary eyes.

"Craig didn't do ANYTHING. It's my PARENTS that did something." She says sitting up. I scoot over on the bed and pat the spot next to me. She smiles and climbs on the bed, sitting next to me.

"Now, we're in a therapy session right now. Let EVERYTHING out." I say. She nods her head before sighing.

"Well when I got home my mom was in a pissy mood which made me get in a bad mood. I had to do all of this crap before I had to leave even though my stomachs been killing me all day and-" I stop her after that.

"If your stomachs hurting then why are you here?!" I say. She puts her finger to my lips and shushes me.

"Therapist aren't supposed to interrupt, I should now. Anyways after all that we left and my parents kept telling me how I need to concentrate more on schoolwork and soccer cause they want me to get a scholarship, then they insult me calling me fat and saying I need to workout. That pushed me over the edge." She takes a deep breath, her eyes start to get watery again. But she wipes at her eyes.

"Hope, you workout all the time at soccer AND at home! Your definitely not fat. It's muscle, trust me." I say. She smiles and wipes at her eyes again.

"Yeah, but they'll never listen. They all have a fast metabolism while I have a stupid normal one. Now, this next part, I'm done with my parents for saying this. They reverted the topic back to schoolwork and soccer and said that I have to break up with Craig since he's interfering with it! I started CUSSING them out in both English and Italian. I ended up getting grounded and to sum everything up if I don't break up with Craig soon, they're threatening me that they're going to put me in boarding school." She says. I start to shake my head, that's just not right.

"So..... what are you going to do? Have you told Craig or maybe even Brian about this?" I ask. She shakes her head no.

"You're the first person I told so far." She says. I nod my head, glad I was her first and not the last one to know.

"Lets go girls! Don't want to be late, it's kinda of a long drive." My dad yells up the stairs. I get out of bed and put on a hoodie.

"Can I just live here? You can adopt me and I'll be your sister!" She says smiling. I laugh and nod my head.

"Ohio has some really bipolar weather I swear. Yesterday I swear it was 90 degrees out." I say. Hope starts to laugh a little and puts her hands in her hoodie pocket.

"Just wait to the fall and winter season. Those are the GREAT times." She says sarcastically, starting to walk out of the room. I follow behind her.

During the car ride Hope showed me Linkin Park while I showed her (Your Favorite band/Singer). She quickly started to like it. It was her turn to pick the next song and she went to a different playlist.

"Now, if you don't know this next band, I'm jumping out of this car." She says.

She takes out her earbud and takes off her sweatshirt. She's literally wearing everything black, even her hoodie. Maybe to rebel against her parents? That's when I noticed her shirt as it said I'm not okay in white and red then at the bottom in all red it said My Chemical Romance. I then started to flip out. (If you don't know who they are..... just go along with this)


"I KNOW! IT'S LIKE WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE US?!" Hope says, her voice at the verge of yelling. The rest of the time we listened to My Chemical Romance.

When we got there dad gave us 20 dollars and told us to text him a little bit before the game ends. Hope and I said bye to him and walked towards the building.

"I don't want to seem rude but what did you mean by when you said that you knew what it was like at a therapist?" I ask. Hope starts to shake her head.

"I'll tell you when we get in the building. It's uh kinda personal." She says, her voice lowering. I nod my head and we walk inside.

     We get our tickets and then go to find the closest seats possible. We find a spot where the was only a couple of people, we sit near the front.

     "My moms not my real mom. My dads not my real dad. My sister isn't my real sister. (This obviously isn't true, just adds effect for the story!)." She says quietly. I look at her confused. What does she mean? She sighs and starts to rub her neck.

     "My real mom actually died in her room on my 8th birthday over a heroine overdose. That night my dad shot himself with a 12 gauge cause he didn't want to deal with me without his wife. Just a tramatized kid on their 8th birthday no big deal. So the state took me and after 6 months in an adoption center my parents, my parents now, picked me up. I've been fucked up in the head since then, but you know, it's whatever. I've been to a therapist ever since that day, every week on Wednesday around 5." She says shrugging her shoulders. IS SHE FUCKING KIDDING ME?! IT'S WHATEVER?! SOMETHING LIKE THAT ISN'T A WHATEVER! I give her a hug.

     "No one should ever go through that. Not even you, you don't deserve it whatsoever." I say. She shrugs her shoulders again.

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