Authors note!

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Holy crap! 2k already?! That's literally insane like it usually takes me a while to get to 2k! I wasn't expecting it to be so soon! Also hi! This is my first authors note on this story, so yeah, hi, how are you doing today? Lol, this isn't going to be the only chapter for today! This chapter is just to say thank you for 2k and just a list of boring facts about me :D! So here we go, boring facts starting now!

1: Of course my names Hope ;) and my birthday is October 3rd so coming up on Monday (yay school on my birthday :/ ) I'll be turning 15 making me the second oldest out of my small friend group. The oldest being born on October 1st same year!

2: I may be older but I'm the shortest one out of all my friends. Coming in at a short height of 5'2 while my friends pass 5'7 or taller!

3: I listen to A LOT of dubstep and rock music! Favorite artist include Monstercat, Vicetone, Evanescence, 21 pilots, Metallica, and many many others!

4: I do live in Ohio! Actually in the Cincinnati area! I know I shouldn't be saying this online (YOLO FUCK IT!) but you all probably know Markiplier, and how he lived in Milford Ohio, I live like 2ish towns over from there.

5: I either want to be a video game designer or a writer when I'm older ;) so if you see any books or video games actually published by me, give it a try ;)

6: My favorite movie is legit any movie by Tim Burton! I love the creepiness in his movies!

7: I USED to play soccer, I was a goalie and to be one you legit have to be messed up in the brain! Which I am ;)

8: I AM A VIDEO GAME ADDICT! I have an Xbox one, an Xbox 360, a Wii U, a Wii, a laptop and a N64! I play games such as Call of Duty, The Sims, Mortal Kombat, Mario, and Rock Band!

9: Other than the BBS I watch Xboxaddictionz, Kelly Kpopp, Jacksepticeye, and Markiplier!

10: I REALLY REALLY want to move to England when I'm older! I just have this.... weird thing for people with accents! Weird yes I know

11: I can't cook to save my life! One time I was making ramen noodles and I legit set my microwave on fire because I forgot to put water into the bowl :/

12: 95% of my friends are guys. Both online and not. I'm known as one of the guys at my school cause how I dress and just my likes and dislikes are just like a guys!

13: Favorite food/restaurant is either Chinese, or Chipotle. I can eat both 24/7.

14: I have a mental age of a 3 year old in a 10 year old body! (This isn't really a fact but hey!)

15: My favorite colors are blue and green!

16: I have a couple of different fears. 1) I absolutely H A T E FROGS! 2) Being buried alive, I did this thing during Halloween time where they put me in a casket and I legit had a panic attack in it. Which brings me to 3) very very claustrophobic. I stay away from big crowds at all times or try to (I have social anxiety which makes it worse when you just cry in the middle of a big crowd).

17: CLASS OF 2020!! WOOP WOOP! Yeah, I'm a freshman, but I already know more then a 23 year old. 1) I'm writing this book throughout my high school career so I can relate to some things in this book 2) Since none of you actually go to my school (at least I hope not :D) I'm actually basing 'Lakeview High' on my school, since it's a small school in a small town!

18: I sometimes like to watch anime but not all of the time. I'm watching 'Your Lie In April' and 'Sword Art Online' currently!

19: I prefer cold/cloudy days over bright/warm days. So yeah I like fall and winter the most.

20: I can't eat anything gummy candy or else I throw up or get very sick to my stomach. I got a huge bag of gummy bears for Christmas and ate the entire bag in one night. I'm actually feeling like I'm going to vomit right now cause I can't even type/hear/say the word gummy cause all I could think about is how the after taste was and how sick I was.

21: Even though I'm a freshman all of my classes are with upperclassmen because I learn at their grade level depending on the class.

22: I started writing in 6th grade to my friends about fantasies that'll never happen. "Ex-Heroes" is actually based off of one of them! Of course I changed some things around though ;)

So yeah! That has been facts about me! I'm really just an average girl in my eyes but hey, I might be different in yours! Chapter later on today so be ready! Thanks again for 2k! I guess I'll see all of you guys later!

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