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song of the chapter is Blessed by Elton John

4 years previous

Staring down at my watch I sighed yet again. The candles had begun to lose their form from the melting wax, and I knew that sooner or later the food on his plate was going to get cold. Four years ago exactly we had said our vows. It was a beautiful wedding with all of our friends, families and plenty of cameras. We loved our night with all eyes on us, and the honeymoon was even greater. He took me all around Europe, stopping for a few days in France where we had a candlelit dinner underneath the Eiffel Tower. It was beautiful, and I only loved him more through it. I sank a little deeper into my seat and whimpered. I didn't want to be here forever, but i would stay until he got home. Maybe his flight got delayed, maybe traffic was heavy. It's just how it worked. I checked my phone for the millionth time, and saw nothing. maybe he forgot. I unlocked my phone and clicked on his name to call. It rang until almost the last ring, and then he picked up.

"Hi babe!" He chirped happily.

"Where are you?"

"We're right down the street... traffic was absolute SHIT!" He said with anger lacing his voice.

"It's alright... see you soon then."

"yes my love. Very soon." He took a deep breath and whispered, "I can't wait to see you..." I smiled at his deeper meaning to the sentence.

"You'll only have a little bit longer. I have something planned."

"You do?"

"yes sir... It involves a roast I worked my ass off to make so you're going to eat it." He laughed his beautiful laugh and i smiled again, completely happy that he was mine.


I raised the coffee mug to my lips, embracing the warmth of the steaming black coffee. Brendon looked up at me from staring into the depths of his own cup. We were cuddled up together in our bed, legs tangled together dozing off to the sounds of our hearts beating in sync.



"Have you ever thought about a baby Urie-Weekes?" He asked me sipping from his mug, and nuzzling closer to me.

"I've always wanted kids, but I didn't know if that would work with your schedule."

"What if I took some time off?"

"Bren... are you asking me if i want to adopt a baby?" I asked him. My mind was rushing in a million different direction and in torrents of mass confusion and joy all at once.

"Yeah," he said sitting up and gesturing with his hands, "like if we offered to take a baby of a young girl or something."

"are you sure?" I smiled wildly, and laughed at how excited he had gotten.

"Yes! I'm so sure... like little feet, and midnight diaper changes, and all those little clothes..." He tottered off into mottled excitement, and I watched in awe.

"Then a baby it is!"


"Anything for you my love..."


"I'm so nervous..." Brendon said clutching the diaper bag in his hand so hard that his knuckles were turning white. It had been 2 months since we had decided on a girl. She was truly a beautiful girl, which was sad considering she was only 19, and not ready to be a mother to our soon to be little boy. She was due in about a month, and the two of us were dying in anticipation.

"Don't be babe," I said pressing a kiss to his temple, and taking the bag from him.

"But it's our baby..." he cooed almost skipping in excitement. "An Mel... she just doesn't seem like she wants to give him up."

"She will Bren... she already signed the contract." I said as I held open the door into the cold office building. It smelled of sterilization and baby wipes, a mixture I knew I would have to get used to.

"But what if-"

"Bren... he is ours. Don't worry." We walked up to the counter and smiled happily at the nurse sitting before us.

"How can help you guys?" The woman said turning to us.

"We need to check in for an appointment for Urie-Weekes." I responded for Brendon since he was basically pacing up and down the hallway.

"Alright. Take a seat Melanie is just getting her check up in the back so it should only be a few moments."

"Thank you." The both of us went to sit down where she had gestured, and before we even had a chance to worry the nurse was calling us up from the back. I held onto Brendon's hand and we walked down the hallway that seemed to last forever.

"She's in this room guys." The nurse pushed open the door and we walked in. Mel sat up on the table her hand resting on her belly. She had changed the dye in her hair to her ebony black and platinum blonde.

"Hey Mel!" Brendon greeted before sitting down. She smiled and cracked her bubblegum against her teeth.

"Hi boys." She rubbed her swelling belly and groaned a bit. "Ooh he kicked come feel him." Her eyes lit up and Brendon scrambled to feel just an ounce of our sons movement. She took ahold of Brendon's hand and placed it on her belly. Brendon's eyes widened in amazement as he felt his kick.

"Ohhhhhhhh..." Bren squeaked furrowing his brow.

"There's a human inside of you..." I mused thinking out loud.

"He'll be beautiful. I just know it. His daddy was truly beautiful." She looked sad and dropped her gaze to her hands.

"Aw Mel..."

"No, don't be sorry. It's not your fault... I made a mistake and he wasn't there. There's nothing you could do." She sniffled and we moved to sit up on the table with her. "You guys will take good care of him. I know that."

"We will, and you could come and see him whenever you wanted to." Brendon said stroking her hand gently. She simply nodded and looked away.

"He'll be here soon. Are you guys ready?"

"As ready as we'll ever be." I knew that we were ready. If we were any more ready one of us would be having the baby ourselves. I smiled, reaching across her belly tangling my fingers with Brendon's. This was happening. We were going to have a baby.

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