112 10 10

10 years previous
Song of the chapter is sand by atlas
As I stood before my mirror running my fingers through my hair for the millionth time I sighed and gave up on myself. Nothing would make my hair look neater. Nothing would make my legs lose an inch. Nothing would make my eyes more appealing. I couldn't change who I was, so staring at myself wasn't going to help. I looked at myself one more time before walking over to Patrick, placing a kiss on his forehead and walking out of the apartment. I walked to the bus stop pressing my headphones into my ears and slipping my MP3 player in my pocket. I played some Green Day and nodded my head as I watched the city of LA pass around me. When I got to my stop I stepped off the bus and walked to the Starbucks. I stopped before the door running my hands through my hair one more time before pulling my headphones off my head and placing them in my bag. I stepped in the store looking around nervously for Brendon. I saw him sitting in the far corner wearing dark sunglasses and a black and white stripped sweater. My stomach clenched as i looked at him. He was beautiful, amazing, talented, and i was me. I was nothing... why should I get a coffee date with him? I begged my legs to carry me over to him, but it wasn't happening. I was stuck. Somehow my feet moved and i sat across from him.

"Hi..." I said weakly. He looked up at me and a small smile crept upon his lips.

"Hi Dallon...Want something?"

"Yeah, i'll buy."

"No... my turn. I left you last night, you deserve a treat."

"Thank you. Just a black coffee with a bit of sugar please."

"Coming right up." He got up and ordered. Talking animatedly with the barista, he slid a card in the machine and smiled before sitting back down to wait for our order. "We didn't talk much last night like you wanted to."

"Its okay. I am pretty sure I got better than a conversation." I chuckled and he looked down at his lap.

"Normally i would just blow it off as a mistake and forget about it, but I don't think that one was a mistake."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not sure, but i have this feeling."

"Feelings are good." I said a flutter of happiness erupting inside of me. The barista called his name and both of us popped up at the same time to get our drinks. I waved him off and went to get both of them. As I sat he smiled, "So... how are you this morning?"

"Good, better than when i woke up."

"That's good," I said with a smile sipping at my coffee. As soon as it touched my tongue i knew it was not right. "What the hell is this?" I looked up at Brendon whose face was beet red.

"Oops..." He reached over and took the cup from me before placing his in my hand. He sipped from the cup and smiled. "We switched cups." He stated happily before taking another drink and smiling.

"What is that?"

"Caramel Machiato, upside down with an extra shot of expresso and two pumps of caramel."

"Jesus Christ... more like diabetes in a cup." He laughed which made me laugh and soon we were a laughing mess.

"Hell if its diabetes it sure tastes good."

"It does."

"So Dallon Weekes, what do you do for a living?" He said leaning forward with the cup snuggled in his hands.

"I am a grocery checker at the local market." I said with pride. Not many 19 year olds would be proud to say that, but i was.

"Wow. Thats impressive."

"Yes, very."

"I worked in a local diner before my manager found me out."


"Oh yeah... roller skates and everything."

"Wow! Brendon Urie, roller skate extraordinaire!" I said forming a cloud with my hands.

"Uh no..."


"No, just no." He smiled and looked out the window for a second before snapping hi head back towards me. "Do you have any good movies? I really want to just sit and watch some movies."

"Oh do i have movies..."


"So The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, or the Back To the Future trilogy?"

"uhhhhhhhh... The Breakfast Club." He pumped his fist in the air like the ending scene of the movie. I smiled and stuck the movie into the DVD player, and sitting down on my bed. He sat next to me and curled his smaller body up to my lanky figure. As the movie played we mouthed lines, and laughed together, and every once in a while i would set my gaze on him. Just simply watching him breath. He was so incredibly beautiful I couldn't help but watch. As the end credits rolled he caught me looking and tilted his neck and caught my lips with his. I smiled into the kiss and he placed his hand on my cheek.

"Run away with me." He whispered softly into my ear.


"Come with me... We're going international tonight. Please. I want you to be with me."


"Dallon! I want you to go on tour with me..." He said boldly sitting up and looking up at me with pleading eyes.

"But, you're Brendon Urie... I'm me! I check groceries for soccer moms-"

"I don't care. I want you." He kissed me again pressing himself against me. "Please."


HeLlO FrEnS!!

I bring you an update! I like this chapter. took a while to get inspiration for, but i like it. sorry for any mistakes, my computer doesn't have autocorrect.

Also! Could y'all do me a favor. Could you follow plz_nooo ohsnap156 and Sexe_Skeleton
They're my friends and need some followers so if you love me ^follow^

I love all of you!

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