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Harry dropped me on the park so I could break up with Max. He's still here somewhere, but I can't see him. The car isn't at sight either. I'm sitting on the edge of the central fountain, I'm just staring at my phone just flipping the pages of a random book on iBook without even reading it. I don't want to see Max approaching me with a wide smile expecting some big surprise. He's probably expecting me to tell him I got accepted in some college. He knows how much I want to finish my studies.

"Hey Mike"

I look up and there he is. He's wearing... A suit. Why is that?

"Hello Max" I say "look, I asked you here because-"

"Wait, let me say something first" he says cutting me off

"Okay, go ahead"

"Mike, we've been together for a while. I've discovered a lot of things in that time. You are the single person I have been truly attached to; I have real and strong feelings for you. But most importantly when I'm with you I feel happy, you make me happy"

I have no words "... Um I... Max, thank you so much, I-"

"Wait, let me finish before you say anything" I nod, but I don't know whether to continue or not, if I let him say that he loves me, it'll just hurt him more when I say I don't. But I do nothing I don't know what to say, "I've been talking with my parents and they agree that I have to do this"

Those words weren't at all what I expected to hear from him, it confused me a lot, because I don't if I still have feelings for him.

"What is it?" I asked nervously and shyly at the same time

"Since the last time we met, you know that time, the last time we met at your place, when I read you poetry. I realized that I did wrong. I realized you're the only one I want, and I shouldn't have acted that way on the bar too" then he kneeled.

I paralyzed, my hands started sweating, too many thought we're running through my head. Did I really want to spend my whole life with him, this was an easy way out, and I'm not sure what will happen with Harry, with Harry, I would be betting it all.

"Mike... Will you-"

Suddenly, everything speeded up, what did I see I'm not sure, I remember a fist punching Max's face. Max was on the floor.

"What the hell's wrong with you!" Said a gorgeous curly haired guy with skinny jeans and boots. Wait, it was MY gorgeous curly haired guy with skinny jeans and boots. But there was something different, his eyes were full of something different, it was fury, it was anger at its fullest. Seeing that, made me feel worry, guilt, because I caused that. I made him feel this way, or at least I think so...

"He's mine! Back off!" Harry roared

What was Harry doing? People will see him! There will be videos. Harry never wanted this; this was not part of the promise. He never wanted our relationship to be out there, to be public. Perhaps it is the anger, maybe he isn't even thinking about what he's doing.

Maybe he's drunk

"What the fuck!" Max says, "Who are you to interrupt! I was asking my boyfriend to-" Harry's fists lands on Max's cheek.

Max spits blood. That altered me a bit. Shouldn't I have stopped this already? Why can't I move? I was frozen, not being able to do anything, I wanted to but I couldn't.

"Mike, aren't you gonna say anything!?" Harry says. "Weren't you gonna break up with this wanker? Now he's proposing! What is wrong with you?!"

I couldn't talk. It felt like a movie. Just watching without making anything to stop it. Why?

"Mike what the hell is going on in here?" Max was trying to get up, but he was dizzy and I think, that punch had hurt a lot.

Harry was standing right in front of me just with one thing in his eyes: Anger.

"I-I'm..." I don't know what to say, my hands were sweating a lot, and my cheeks turned red. Is that hard to say I was cheating? That was what I never wanted to do.

"You what Mike?" Shouted Max, he starts looking to Harry, and then he realizes "Oh, so you're Harry Styles the one of the famous Boy band?" Harry freezes, he starts pulling the pieces together, and he's fighting for a boy's love. The people around started recording with the cameras. And making surprised faces.

"Harry... What are you doing?" I said almost broken in tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2013 ⏰

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