At My Reach

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I hang up the phone. Harry has a wide grin, dimples there.

"You'll be mine" he says

Even though I love how that sounds I didn't like what he did. I didn't like that at all. He forced me to do it. That was really messed up. No Max will end up hurt for sure

Harry and I fight too much. Ever since we started seeing each other. I think our peace record hasn't been longer than four days.

"Will you be there when I... tell him" I ask

"I'll be there," he said "he won't know that tho"

I really like that Harry wants me all for himself... but, will I have him all for myself? It wouldn't be fair if he can date other people and I can't.

"So hairy," I start "we... We are... After this of course... What I'm trying to say is, are we exclusive?"

"Mike I don't want to be with anyone, except you" he says

"What if you do, in the future?" I ask quietly and a little shyly

He grabs my hand once again now sweating. Is he nervous?

"I'm pretty sure I won't, that is if I'm with you" he says. He's voice a little shaky... Why?

"How do you know?" I question

"Mike, I don't think you realize how strong your impact is on me"

I say nothing. Waiting for him to go on.

"I... Mike, you're extremely hot, I have to say, but it's not only that. It's the way I feel when I'm around you" he says "ever since we've been successful, I've been in more than 150 concerts, I'm not shy anymore. No matter who I'm with. I'm overconfident at times. Except with you. You make me feel alive, you make me happy. Sometimes angry and sad. You make me nervous most of the time but most importantly you make me want to be a better person, not for anyone but for you. You make me want to be a better person so that you're happier"

I'm looking straight into his eyes and I can tell that there's no lies in what he said. And I can tell, it's all true.

No one had ever said something like that to me. No one had ever loved me like that. I can feel his love for me radiating from his skin. It makes mine tickle, and gives me goosebumps. I feel alive. Everything he said he felt towards me, I feel the same way and more.

Now I understand poems. I always thought it was boring. That there was really no point to it. I don't even understand why some of it rhymes. In my opinion it limits what you want to express. Instead of using the word you initially thought of, to express what you felt, you need to find one that fits the poem. But on the other hand, I understand because I have so many feelings inside of me and there are so many ways to interpret my rushing feelings into words which gives me this overwhelming urge to just write it all down so that I would never have to forget what I was feeling at that time, I'd always be able to look back and feel that intense moment all over again if I wanted.

Harry takes a shower and I wait for him on his bed, I get my phone out and look for videos of Harry. I watch a video where Harry signs a picture for two little girls and the talks with them. Then I remember how I used to feel when I saw this kind of videos, I felt a strong pain on the chest that made my heart numb and my brain a little fuzzy, it was because I wanted him, I wanted him so much it hurt, literally. It caused me physical pain, watching him hug other people and just the frustration they all felt because they wanted him to stay, they wanted him to stay there and talk to them, the frustration of all those people in all those videos is so strong you can almost see it, you can feel it. Because he's not with you. Because you know he doesn't feel what you feel.

But that's not my case anymore. In all those millions, I was the lucky one, he's mine, he's at my reach. He's here and he loves me.

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