The Secret Wife

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I gave him my I adress 

Text with Harry

H: Okay I'll pick you up in half an hour. Are you ready?

Of course I am baby, I am.

M: Yeah, I'm ready

H: I can't wait to see you

M: Same her babe

Oh my gosh no, I want too far. I crossed the line, I shouldn't have. I really went too far, or did I? He's the one who said can't wait to see you. That meant something, or did it? I swear to god, if he takes it the wrong way I'm going to punch my self on the stomach until I vomit. Having an opportunity like this and blowing it just because of my feels.

H: I'm outside. should I wait for you here? or do I get to see where you live now?

THE HOUSE! It's a mess. I completley forgot about that. I never thought he would want to come inside. I'll just tell him I'm coming.

M: No I'm on my way down rn. Wait for me there

I opened the gate, I turned around and took three breaths I closed the gate. I don't want to turn around and face that way. Not only will a be face to face with I god. But I will find out in which of the three cars he owns he's picking me up. I will find out if he's wearing sun glasses. I will see his hair, I'll look into his eyes.

As I take the third breath I realize I'm on my knees, I can't feel my legs and it's very hard for me to breathe

"Mike are you okay?" I hear an angelical voice next to me. That does not help. I think a single tear runs down my face. Okay Mike you got to get a grip of yourself. You do not blow this. You're going to have an amizing night having fun with a new friend.

"Hey Mike let me get you to my car, I'll get you to the hospital" 

"No it's not necessary. I'm fine" I say sarcastically, althogh I do want him to believe I'm having a heart attack at 21, but I'm pretty sure he won't believe that 

"Did I cause this?" He says mockingly

"What?!... No! I'm just... alergic to cologne" I say as I find my legs and stand up.

"Oh I'm not wearing-"

"Oh I am"

"Why would you wear cologne if-"

"Fine you got me, you did this"

He smiles, dimples showing. Oh my. I loose my balance a little but he takes my arm. "Note to self 'smile less'"

"Oh no please do" I say "I'm just nervous

"So are you okay now?"

I hum a little in response

"Should we go?

I nod 

He brought his Audi R8, I love that car. Oh and the sunglasses? He has them on

I hop onto the left sit of the car and fasten my seatbelt. There's a leather jacket on the floor. I pick it up and put it on my lap."You can put it on if you're cold" Harry says. I thank him but say no. I would really really like to, but I don't know how it would look.

After a few minutes we are almost at his house (I know because he told me)

"Harry since I saw you I've been wanting to do something"

He gives me a weird look and smiles as if understanding what I'm trying to say "Oh yeah? Me too"

What? ...  Okay

"It may sound weird but can I touch your hair?"

Great Mike you don't put his leather jacket on because you're worried about he might think but you do ask him if you can touch his hair?

"Oh" He says, sounding a little... dissapointed? What was he expecting? "Um sure... now?"

I nod, and smile 

"Okay go ahead"

I lift my hand from my lap and slowly moving it towards Harry Styles's hair. I can't believe I finally get to touch it.

I look at him, and he nods looking at me assuring me its fine.

I touch it, and run my fingers through his curls. It feels so soft, and good. I resist the urge to stand up and smell it.

"I like your hair. I wish I had curls like you"

He laughs "I don't like them sometimes, they are ANNOYING"

"Their annoyance is worth it. Because they look incredibly good" 

"Well, thank you. Want to touch it some more?" He says mockingly. I chuckle, and I'm pretty sure I blushed. He smiles at me, and before I know it he's putting a code to open the gates that lead to his house.

He drives some more, and I get to see Harry's... mansion. Not house. Mansion, it's huge, and modern. I'm really looking forward to Rinda's reaction when I tell her everything about today. Oh my god, when I tell her I collpased! And started crying! I want to listen to her yelling at me when I tell her I didn't put the jaccket on, and what she says when I tell her I touched Harry's hair. Oh and I'm so telling her Harry's reaction when I told him I wanted to do something? About that, what did he think I wanted to do? 

Harry opens my door so I can get out. Then we go into the house. Harry opens the door to let me in, then says he forgot something in the car. I walk in admiring the house. I think it's bigger from inside. I walk into the living room, I see alot of awards on the walls, I mean it's obvious he's proud of them. Who wouldn't be? I would want everyone that walks into my house to see them too.

"Hello!" A feminine voice says behind me. I turn around to find a gorgeous young lady infront of me, probably my age. She's blonde and she has hazel colored eyes. She is gorgeous, I would fuck her if I was straight. BUT, who IS she?

"Who are you?" I say

"I'm Alice, are you Harry's friend?"

If this girl is his girlfriend I swear I'm going to run out of here until I pass out and die on some deserted... desert.

"Yes, I'm Max"

"Oh Max! Harry has told me a lot about you" She says "Great things of course. Are you staying for dinner?"


"What do you want?"

"Um excuse me?" I say confused

"What do you want me to make for dinner?"

Who is this girl, does she live here? Why would she make dinner in Harry's house? Is she like Harry's secret wife or something like that? I'm freaking out. Why would Harry invite me to have dinner with his secret wife? ......... Maybe I did run away from a nuthouse.




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