What was that about?

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"What was that about?" Says the cab's driver, I can see from the back seat he's blond. And he's kind of handsome.

"Nothing really"

"Didn't seem that way" he says, pressing the matter. It is none of your business, bitch. Leave me alone.

I stay quiet and grab my phone out and check Zayn's account, just in case he tweeted something about it. He didn't. To tweet about it, people would have to know the story, and they don't even know my name. And then I check Harry's twitter, but he wouldn't tweet about it either, I mean why would he? He doesn't even know why I left... I do wonder tho, why did Harry kiss me? He's certainly bi. But why me, I don't consider myself hot, nor attractive, I am fit but people always like me for my personality, I can be shy but I can be cool too. What did he see in me? I still can't process how good it felt, to have his lips one mine, and how I'd like to do that every day for the rest of my life... I don't feel like that with Max, he doesn't make me feel that way, honestly all he does is pressure me into having sex. I have never let him, and I don't think I ever will! I'm just realizing that I don't love him. Why? Because I don't feel with him what I felt today with Harry, he left me wanting more, he left me craving for more. And I don't think I could ever get enough of that... I'm so tempted I want to tell the driver to go back... But Zayn... Maybe he left. Or not. I can't go back. He did threaten me, I'm not sure if he threatened to kick my ass or something more but he did scare me, but I mean Harry is worth that...

If Harry wants me, if he really does, then I'll fight for him. I'll try to make this work. I'll talk later to Zayn, all I can hope for right now is that Harry is interested enough to wanna meet again, I don't know what I'll do then but I need to try something... Now is my turn to make a move, no more getting nervous because of him.

"That was Harry Styles' mansion, something should have happened, I mean you just stormed out of there. Did u steal something? Wait, were you spying on him?"

"No! I was just... visiting"

"Oh so you know him," the driver says "what happened then?"

"I was unwelcomed by one of his visits," I say "he made it very clear"

Very clear. Why did Zayn threatened me by the way? What's his problem? He has no say in what Harry wants, much less in who he dates, he may be one of his best mates and all but I think Harry has the right to choose who to date and the he'll decide who's right for him. I think Zayn should at least give him that. But he looked very angry, he said he knew guys like me, how are guys like me? Is it like a stereotype thing or something? I don't know but he seemed pretty upset and aggressive, a little overprotective. I guess it has to do with the fact that Harry is the youngest in the band, they must see him as a little brother.

"Who was that visit?"the driver asks, not dropping the subject. I'm getting kind of annoyed

Ugh who cares "Zayn Malik okay!?"

"Wow, you do know important people, what's your name by the way?"

"I'm Mike"

"My name's Peter"

I'm not in a good mood Peter, please stop talking

My phone buzzes and it's Harry asking why I left. I decide to tell him the truth. Hiding it won't solve the problem.

Text with Harry

-Is Zayn still there?

-Yeah, he's taking a shower - he replies

-Harry, promise you won't tell him

I get a little paranoid and for a moment have the suspicion that this may be Zayn with Harry's cellphone. He wouldn't do that would he? That's a total invasion of privacy

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