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"today we have a new student." mrs tiffany said to us with her flirty voice. she looks excited, i bet the new student is a guy. well, she loves guy.

she looked at the door, probably expecting the student to come in and indeed it was. i saw a guy in which wearing our school uniform and a black hoodie, slowly walking towards mrs. tiffany. his steps were casual and steady as he let his head facing down.

he stood next to mrs. tiffany and raised his head a bit, showing his face. the moment my eyes laid on his features, i was amazed. he's breathetakingly handsome. he has a cute fluffy face, plump lips, his eyes were round and dark brown colour.

he was like searching the whole class and eventually stopped at me, making us automatically having an eye contact. he smiled towards me but for some reason i felt like its more to a smirk. that's weird. i just smile back.

"jungkook, please introduce yourself." mrs. tifanny's bitchy voice was sounded and i just rolled my eyes. she put her hand on that jungkook's shoulder before tapping lightly. not to mention how her body was excited whenever she touched jungkook, its so obvious.

"hi, i'm jeon jungkook." he looked at me with piercing stare then continued, "i hope you guys will treat me well." he ended with a smile but still looking at me.

"of course we will treat you well, jungkook. now take your seat beside sehun." mrs. tiffany said and pointed to an empty place beside sehun, who previously was luhan's seat. he moved to china so the place was empty since then. and guess what, the seat was in front of me.

he walked to the place while his eyes were still fixing on me. i mean, don't you have something to see other than me?

i just ignore his deep stare and focused on mrs. tiffany in front. she just explaining something about pie or circle, i don't even know. slowly my eyes were getting heavier until i was drifted to dreamland.



the bell rang sign of the end of class. i heard mrs. tiffany's clicking sound produce by her stilletos leaving the class, so i wake up, put all my things inside my bag and dashed out from the class.

its already 5pm since i have extra class before, i walked through the nearest park beside my school. there was no one there except some kids who played around. i took a seat on the empty swing while looking at them.

usually i would hang out here alone to release my stress and its working. as i was enjoying the view, i didn't realised the time has passed fastly, so i grabbed my bag and quickly leave the park. i bet i should just use the narrow alley beside the fruit stall since its the fastest way to reach my house.

i looked at my watch and it showed 6.45pm but the surrounding already fully dark.

"shit." i cursed, thinking of how mad my mom was if she knew her cute, pretty daughter came home late. i quickly walked past the fruit stall before went to the black dark alley.

i hesitated to walk since it was really dark on the narrow alley but decided to shrug the bad thought away. i need to arrive home before my mom did or else i will have my own place in the nice coffin.

i walked even faster but then i suddenly froze on my spot. something caught my attention.

what was that?

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