Chapter 2: The Reaping

Start from the beginning

"Now, for the gentlemen," Blooming peeled open the second envelope.

How could she move on so quickly? She had just torn my whole world apart!

"Stop being so selfish," my inner voice told me. "Think about the rest of your family, and how this will affect them."

Please don't be Cable... Please don't be Cable..

I caught a glimpse of my mom being restrained by peacekeepers.

Please don't be Cable or my Dad... I thought, realizing that since there was no age limit, either one of them could go into the arena with me. For a fraction of a second, I almost wished that one of their names would be in Blooming's envelope, just so I wouldn't have to be alone. I knew that wasn't right, and I brushed the thought away.

After what felt like an eternity, Blooming finally announced the name. "Tristan Billard, please come down to the stage! You are District One's male tribute!"

A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I saw a 40 -something year old man kiss his wife on the forehead and make his way on the stage. "Ladies and Gentlemen, your District One tributes for the 200th Hunger Games!"

There was some scattered applause before Tristan and I were dragged into the Justice Building.

I didn't speak a word as two peacekeepers guided me down the hallway. I focused on the pounding of their footsteps rather than the thought of the looming Games.

It would almost be easier if I was just sentenced to death, I thought. At least then I wouldn't have to deal with that bit of false hope that I might make it as victor.

The Peacekeepers tossed me into one of the small jail cells and slammed the door shut. Frantically, I jiggled the knob, but the door was locked. I collapsed onto the steel bed frame in the corner and tried to control my sobs.

A moment later, the door creaked open. "Celia?" A familiar voice called.

"Cable! Oh, Cable!" He walked into the room and I ran into his arms. "I'm gonna die, Cable, they're gonna kill me!" I sob.

"Stop talking like that," Cable ordered. "Look we don't have much time, so listen to me." I quieted, willing to do whatever he said as long as he stayed with me.

"What you need to do is ally with Tristan. He seems like a nice guy, and he has a daughter about your age. He'll help you out, and you can help him. You need to have someone to watch your back in the arena." Cable cupped my face in his hands. "You'll come out alive, I know you will! We will do everything we can to sponsor you!"

"But..." I started, and then a pair of strong hands reached through the doorway and yanked Cable out of the cell. "Nooooooo!" I collapsed onto the steel bed frame in the corner and cried, the realization that I would probably never see Cable again hitting me hard. I would miss the way we had lovingly teased each other, and knowing that I could count on him to protect me. What was I going to do without him?

"Celia!" My dad rushed into the cell, and I looked up, thankful he had distracted me from my thoughts.

"Daddy!" I cried out gratefully, running into his arms. He broke the embrace and kneeled down, putting his hands on my shoulders. "Now Celia, I need you to listen to me carefully," I nodded quickly, ready to listen again. "Your mom couldn't come in, I'm really sorry, but I'm sure you understand she's very upset over the whole situation. I didn't want to bring her in here and have her upset you too. So, for her sake, and yours, you need to come out of these Games alive, do you understand me?"

I nodded again, yes, as the Peacekeepers yanked my dad from my arms. My heart broke again as I said goodbye to another family member. I wouldn't even be able to say goodbye to my mother. My breath caught as I realized that I had just spoken my last words to my family. Struggling to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over once again, I began to pace my small holding cell.

No other visitors came to see me. I had no other living relatives in District One, and I assumed all my friends from school were too busy being thankful it wasn't their names in that white envelope.

It wasn't long before the Peacekeepers came back into my cell. Wiping my eyes with the sleeve of my dress, I stood gracefully from my perch on the steel bed. Holding my head high, I was escorted from the Justice Building to the train that would take me to the Capitol.

Glancing to the left, I saw Tristan being escorted in the same direction as me. He smiled at me reassuringly. When I looked to my right, all I saw was cameras, filming me from every angle. I tried to look confident, but it's hard to muster courage when you're dying inside.

Less than a minute later, I was safely inside the train. The plush red cushions and curtains didn't phase me, I live in the District of Luxury after all. In fact, I think my dad helped construct the very table my mentors were seated at. Blooming Rose emerged from a door on my right.

"Here are the tributes!" She smiled toothily, gesturing for us to take a seat. Tristan sat next to Blooming, and I sat down across from him. "Now, let's talk strategy, shall we?" Blooming leaned forward on the table.

"Slow down now, Blooming," The muscular man who sat next to me grinned. "Let us introduce ourselves. I'm Grim, and this is Tally."

"Hello!" The slim lady with black braids chimed in. Tally was seated on Blooming's right. "Okay, so now that you've met your mentors, there are some things that need to be decided," Blooming said solemnly. "Like what?" I asked quietly.

"Like alliances. Obviously, you can choose which tributes, if any, you want to ally with after the tribute parade and during training. Right now our main goal is an alliance between the two tributes of District One," Tally suggested.

Tristan looked at me, "What do you say?"


Chapter 2!!!! Comments, suggestions, opinions? Let me know!

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