13-Jason Returns? -gasp-

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"How old was she?" The hokage asked. 

"11" Jason awnsered, looking down. "Thats not the reason that Anna hates me...no, she hates me because of what my keeper said to her." Jason said shaking his head as he spoke.  

Silence overtook the room, begging him to go on. "I quote...'You're a weakling, your Keeper is thousands of times stronger than you. I bet that Gods had messed up and put the Keeper in the wrong body, seem's you're everywhere at the wrong time. The irony, a Keeper of time everywhere at the wrong time! Ha! If you come at the right time, mabey you'll get stronger...if you can rule time. Weakling, you're a disgrace to Guardians Everywhere, including him.' Unquote...he...he's a bastard." Jason shook as he spoke, spitting out each word as if it were disgracefull. 

"What's his name? Your keeper?" The hokage asked Jason. 

"Stan, Keeper of Water. He controls and refines water, keeping all things in balance, and alive...but...after that day...I haven't heard from him, I don't think he is my keeper anymore." Jason finished quietly. The Hokage looked facinated, while Kakashi looked confused. 

"Is this true? The Keeper and Guardian Buissnes? I've heard them as fairy tails, children stories...but? Is it really true?" The hokeage asked, leaning forward slightly. Jason simmply nodded, out of things to say. 

"What happened after that?" Kakashi asked. 

"I don't know...I guess..." Jason took in a deep breath...trying not to give himself away. "I found myself in the Village of the Waves...and...well, I didn't know it wasan a village at first at all...uh...I was taken in by a man named Tazuna, and his daughter, and grandson. They let me stay until I realized where I was...and uh...I guess after remebering something that Usagi told me...I realized where I was...so I came here, to be a ninja...to see if what she said was true...and when I arrived, the story just begun." Jason laughed akwardly, scratching the back of his head. He then sighed. "I don't think I'm allowed to tell you anymore...because...that might affect something that Anna has been working on...and I know, that if I interfeir...she'll have my head, or worse." Jason paled as he began to immagine the worst. 

"The worst?" Kakashi questioned. Jason nodded silently.

(Play Video)

"Whatever you think is the worst capable thing to happen to a man, and keep him alive....Imaggine that happen...endless amounts of times...I'd rather die...its like what Usa-chan told me about the episode after the exams..." Jason got quieter as he went into thought. He looked at Kakashi. "Acctuallyyy.....You'll understand that feeling...Usa-chan told me so, after threatening me with icecream..." Jason said with a sheepish smile. Kakashi looked at him confused. 

"How?" Kakashi asked. 

"Ehherrrr.......I cant tell you that..." Jason said with a sigh. 

The hokage sighed. "Do you have the same power as the Sisters?" He asked 

"No, not anymore, but if you're talking about seeing the future, thats Anna's job, Usagi only knows certian things that happen, and she told me all of it on the way to school and back." Jason said, with a soft smile as he remebered the days they'd walk to and from school, how Usagi would chatter non-stop about the #1 Hyperactive Ninja, and His adventures with an Emo, a Fan girl, a Lazy Teacher, and a Village called Konahagure. She would go on non-stop about the Atsuki, and how Anna thinks Tobi is cute, and a good boy, while Usagi had a mini-crush on Kakashi, she liked his laid-back personality, and even likes him, with the knowlage of his past.

"Kakashi...I do hope you take good care of Usagi and Anna, if you don't...well...lets hope it won't come down to that, agreed?" Jason said, his voice grim, knowing the conciquences of a dead Keeper. Kakashi nodded and left in a poof. Jason left in a poof after him, but not before bowing to the hokage. The hokage sighed, putting his head in his hands, shaking his head gravely.

'What am I to do now?' He thinks

*end chapter* 

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Well..... say Pie in the comments if you actualy read this? I am sorry...this is kinda short and down to the point...I am randomly writing as I think, but I have a plot...problem is.... Who will the boy/man, holding Usagi's hand be? I DUNNO :C SO TELL ME!!

Remeber! ANNA & USAGI ARE 17, BUT LOOK 12 or 13. HERPYDERP!

I love you all so much~Anna-chan


Me: I have midterms...so my chapters will be coming out alittle more slowly, than anticipated... 

Tobi: AWWW, When do I come into the story than? 

Me: WHAT THE FUDGE!? TOBI!? How you get here? 

Zetsu: Well, its obvius 

Me: ZETSU?! :D How? 

Zetsu: That door over there... -points- 

Me: Oh...I swore I locked it. 


Me:...Yeah...I named the main charecter with my name...problem? -trollface-

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