"Where'd you learn to cook like that," Lucas asked.

"Well my mum and dad-"I froze and clenched my eyes with a grimace.

Lucas seemed to understand my train of thought because he engulfed me in a hug but he was quite a bit taller than me and his chin rested on my head.

"You do know it's okay to be upset sometimes," he whispered when he heard my sniffle.

I laughed. I found it funny that this boy, who was a Hunter who would travel the world and kill supernatural creatures, was telling me it was okay to cry. Something about that just seemed funny to me.

"Why are you laughing?" He frowned."Or are you choking on something?" He joked and I laughed.

Just then the entrance of the house opened and Charlotte stepped in. She took one look at us before turning on her heels and storming out. Lucas sighed and pulled away from the hug but slipped his hand into mine.

"God Charlotte needs to grow up," he muttered and I couldn't help but agree.

"Is your relationship with Charlotte usually this rocky?" I asked and Lucas shook his head sadly.

"Sure we bickered like usual siblings but when we discovered the rings and Charlotte realised she'd been put in the Siren house, let's just say she wasn't happy, especially when she discovered I was in the Dragon house. Both of our parents were in the Dragon house too so she wasn't exactly happy."

I squeezed his hand and he smiled.

"I want to show you something," he said before leading me further into the house.

"Where are we going?" I asked suddenly nervous, cut me some slack, I've known this guy for what? A day? And now he's leading me to what I presume is the basement of this house that I don't know the lay out of. What if he's an axe murdered or something and he kills me in the basement before hiding the body?

"What do you still not trust me?" He said lightly but I could hear the slight hurt in his voice.

"Well-" I said but he interrupted.

"Don't worry I'm not taking you to the basement to kill you and hide the body," he said, literally reading my thoughts.

"How did you-" he cut me off my tapping his temple and I stared open mouthed at him while he smiled a cute boyish smile that showed his blatant amusement.

"You're a Telepath!" I shouted, my voice echoing through the underground tunnel, and his smile managed to grow before petting my head.

"Well done young grasshopper," he said before I swatted his hand away.

"B-but that means-"

"Every embarrassing thought, I've heard it," he said and winked at me, making me blush, before looking away.

He laughed and my head snapped up.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"I was joking. I respect people's privacy and I taught myself to turn it off so everyone's thoughts aren't drowning me. I'm guessing by your shocked tone of voice and facial expression yourtnot a telepath," he guessed and I shook my head.

"So you haven't been reading my mind?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"Except the axe murderer thing because I was wondering why you still don't trust me and you're right: I am leading you somewhere you're not familiar with, there's no one else in the house and all that stuff, I would tell you where I'm leading you but that's a surprise."

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