There was no escape, no hope. One of those wolves would end the other, and then... it would be her turn to die. A strangled sob threatened to rise from her chest. Choking it down, she pressed herself as flat against the door as she could, as far away from the warring wolves as possible. A single tear managed to escape her hold. She was crumbling and fast. Desperation gripped her as her life began to flash before her eyes, her sad, short life. Before she could stop herself she was screaming, "HELP!"

DANIELA! Ethan jolted in panic. Every hair on his body rose in alarm. He needed to get to her, to protect her.

The Alpha sensed his opponent's distress and knew his weakness. There was no mercy when the beast was unleashed. Nothing mattered but getting to his Mate, and if he had to destroy his own pack to get to her, then so be it. The second the red-brown wolf hesitated from the distraction, the black beast bolted. In one smooth movement he faked left, hurdled right, leapt over the traitor and pivoted to face his opponent.

To Ethan's horror, his Alpha landed between him and his partner. Her whimpers and sobs burned into his soul, maddened him. A rage like he had never felt before coiled within his core, and just as his Alpha shot him a cocky, wolfish smirk, Ethan exploded. A thunderous roar ripped from his chest. He charged at the Alpha with all his might, and welcomed any death that may befall him.

Momentary shock caused the Delta to gain the upper hand, but it did not last long. As Ethan slammed into his Alpha, the black wolf twisted in mid-air and snatched the first thing his teeth could sink into.

SNAP! A sickening crack resonated down the hall, as Ethan's hind leg broke in half. A haunting bellow of agony tumbled in its wake as the two wolves crashed to the floor in a bloody heap. Ethan's eyes glazed over as he howled in pain. His body convulsed in misery as his once powerful leg had been pulverized to a useless mound of shredded muscles and shattered bones. And all the rage he felt melted into a miry puddle of despair.

It wouldn't take much at all for the Alpha to end him; a simple twist of the neck and it would be over. But he was not yet finished with the traitor, a once trusted ally who betrayed him and his Mate. First he would destroy his spirit, to leave nothing behind but shards of battered hope, so that he may know an ounce of what he was feeling. All of his thoughts rested on one brunette with sun-kissed skin and caramel colored eyes. Without her there was no life. And she was gone, unprotected, lost. Nothing and no one would stand in his way. The mighty Alpha turned to his prey.

Fear clutched Daniela's chest as the black wolf, no demon, faced her. Never would she ever have believed that her end would have come by the sharp edge of werewolf teeth. Then again, she never believed in werewolves. Yet there before her were two creature of myth made real. One gleamed with murderous intent. The other writhed behind the dark beast, gnashing its teeth in pain.

Determined and desperate in spite of his injuries, Ethan pulled himself slowly across the floor with his bloodied, mangled leg dragging behind. Only one thought was on his mind, Daniela. Somehow, he needed to reach her before his Alpha.

Once again, Daniela's life flashed before her eyes. With nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, she had no other choice but to wait each torturous second until death came to release her. And she couldn't seem to look away. The eerie phosphorescent eyes of the black wolf-demon burned into her with a cold hatred that she could not understand. Long canines seemed to drip venom from behind curled lips, and the click of his nails echoed down the hall. Nothing else existed but the grim reaper that had come for her in the shape of a large black wolf.

And then she saw him, out of the corner of her eye... Ethan? Her distraught mind must have been playing tricks on her. It was not possible, what she had seen. Where the giant bear-wolf had been, was instead her partner, Ethan. His bloody body was slashed, bruised, and broken. Was the reddish-brown wolf real, or just her imagination?

"Ethan!" Daniela cried. Oh god! She clutched her chest in anguish. Her partner. Her friend.

"Daniela," he croaked. "Hold on." Though his every cell and sinew screamed in agony and his strength was nearly gone, he pushed and pulled, edging ever so slowly towards her. It may have been the end for them both, but he could not, would not stop until his very last heartbeat. "I'm coming."

But so was the black wolf, and it seemed nothing would be able to stop him.


So I'm ending the chapter here.  I had wanted to do more, but am struggling with which direction to go.  Perhaps you, my lovely readers, can assist me.

Should an outside source interrupt the Alpha, snap him out of his rage?  (i.e., a person/werewolf walks in on this scene)?

Or should Ethan somehow manage to get through to the Alpha, and Leland is able to regain control over his wolf?

I have too many ideas and started writing both scenarios, but can't seem to decide which I like better.

What do you think?  Please comment or message me with your thoughts.

As always your support, votes, and comments are greatly appreciated.

With love,

~Nikki Hudak~

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