Update & Chapter 23 Teaser

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Hi guys,  I know you are all waiting for the next chapter, and I'm working on it, I promise.  I just wanted to give you an update as to why its taking me so long:

As I was writing CH 23, I was often stuck and frustrated.  The chapter did not feel right.  I figured out what the problem was...I had started to go in a direction I didn't care for, and had to nearly start it over.    I know, I know, I take way too long between updates anyway, and now this.

I do apologize.  I will admit that I am picky and a bit obsessive over how each chapter reads before I post.  Then add on top of that my time limitations and voila, slower updates than anybody would ever want.

But I do my best, and I truly appreciate my loyal lovely readers who wait patiently for my next update.  As for now, here is an (unedited*) teaser to keep you going.  As you read, there may be words with lines through them, those are parts that I may change or remove, but have not yet decided.

*Please keep in mind that when I do post CH 23, it may be slightly different. 

Please enjoy!

~Nikki Hudak~


Leland's mind was tortured with only one thought that echoed in anguish through the recesses of his consciousness... Where is my Mate? My Mate. MY MATE! And with it howled the ancient instinct, the primal drive to protect what was His. Agony and rage burned in his heart, spread throughout his body, and seeped into his spirit. It ricocheted off his bones, travelled down his spine, stretched into his limbs, and sprouted through his skin. With a deafening roar, his Wolf took over, possessed him with ferocious madness, and Leland Moore was no more.

It was exactly what Ethan had feared. In spite of his size, he was no match for the powerful Alpha on a typical day, so there was no way he'd be able to defend his partner against the beast. "Daniela, get on the ground, as low as you can go, and don't look." He instructed as he fought the urge to grab her protectively. Any sudden movements would only instigate the beast. Instead, he lowered himself slowly onto bended knee before his Alpha, his gaze averted in submission, and foolishly hoped she would do the same.

Wide eyed, the Detective watched the unbelievable. The man she had been questioning was no longer a man. His body had contorted and morphed, broke its own bones, and changed smooth skin into fur. Whatever clothing he had worn were torn to bits and hung from his black fur like ribbons of rendered flesh. A pair of glowing blue eyes eerily pierced down to her soul. She was unable to hear or see anything beyond the giant snarling black wolf before her.

As her reality shattered into a billion pieces, her instincts took over, and without another thought a shot rang out. Smoke rose from her gun as she held her breath. The creature hadn't even flinched. She knew she had hit him square in the chest, but with his dense, dark fur she couldn't see any blood. Then as he stalked closer without a hint of pause in his gait, Daniela wasn't even sure if she had hit him at all. When the wolf pierced her with a calculating gaze and lengthened his stride, she snapped out of her shock induced daze. Panic and police training had her firing her weapon repeatedly just before she spun around and ran for her life.

Kill! Kill! Kill! The beast chanted. Blinded with rage he sought to extinguish any threat between him and his Mate. The female challenger was locked in his sights. Her fear only fueled his determination.

"NO!" Ethan yelled as he watched his Alpha charge away. Guilt momentarily seized him. What have I done? There was no time for regret, within seconds the Delta had transformed into his reddish-brown wolf. He may not have been as strong as his Alpha, but he was fast, very fast. In this his size was a gift. With a lengthened torso and enormous gait, it didn't take much effort for him to reach Daniela seconds before Leland, just as the black wolf's giant maw opened wide.

Raw power and urgent need battled in mid-air as the two wolves clashed. Pain radiated through Ethan's entire body as he took the brunt of the blow, effectively blocking his Alpha's deadly strike. The force of the hit had sent him and Daniela tumbling over each other down the hall with the black wolf nipping at their heels. Somehow Ethan managed to push Daniela behind him just as his Alpha descended upon him.

TRAITOR! The Wolf howled within. How could one of his own turn on him, betray him? No one, not even a pack mate, mattered more to him than his Mate, his Liz. The seething, murderous rage finally boiled over as his Alpha energy burst forth, nearly incapacitating the other wolf. But he had underestimated Ethan. The Delta was just as determined. Liz was not the only human female that needed protection. With Daniela in mind, Ethan met his Alpha blow for blow. Warm blood spattered across the floor as the hall echoed with the chilling sounds of destruction, carried by every growl, snarl, and roar.

Absolute terror gripped at Daniela's sanity. Two fucking werewolves. Two! She wasn't sure if she thought or shouted her words, but it didn't matter. No one would have been able to hear her anyways. She needed to get away. Survival drove her adrenaline, pushed her to look for an exit instead of freezing in fear. To her left was a wall, behind her another wall, and before her a pair of werewolves killing each other, but to her right... her blessed right. A door! Without another thought she lunged for the handle. "Shit!" Locked. Fucking locked.

There was no escape, no hope. One of those wolves would end the other, and then... it would be her turn to die. A strangled sob threatened to rise from her chest. Choking it down, she pressed herself as flat against the door as she could, as far away from the warring wolves as possible. A single tear managed to escape her hold. She was crumbling and fast. Desperation gripped her as her life began to flash before her eyes, her sad, short life. Before she could stop herself she was screaming, "HELP!"


End of (unedited) teaser.

I hope that wetted your whistle, just enough to hold out for the completion of this chapter.

Again, I thank you all, my loyal lovely readers, for your votes, comments, and patience.

With love...

~Nikki Hudak~

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