What's Going On?

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Just as the plane is about to crash into the side of the plane You and Mark are in,
You come back to reality.
You're in the plane.
But wait, everything's fine.
Nothing is happening.
Mark's sitting next to you and no one's in a panick anymore.
Y/N- "Wha- what happened???"
Mark looks over at you, he looks confused.
Mark- "Ummmm, nothing? Are you okay Sweetheart?"
Your head starts to pound.
You put a hand on your forehead.
Y/N- "Uhhh, ya. Yes, i think i'm okay"
Mark- "Okay. Do you need anything?"
Y/N- "Umm, i don't know. An asprin maybe."
Mark- "Okay"
Mark calls for the flight attendant, but no one comes.
Your head starts to pound harder.
Y/N- "Owww"
Mark calls again.
It just keeps getting worse, and worse, the pain becomes almost UNBEARABLE .
You bend over in unimaginable pain and feel like you are about to pass out.
Mark stands up and walks towards the front of the plane.
You want to tell him to stop and sit down but, you just can't over the pain.
Just in a matter of seconds, the pain spreads to your arms, then your torso and eventually your stomach.
You sit up trying to bare the pain, and you glance over to the other side of the plane towards the window.
Another plane! It's coming right for your guys plane.
But wait, isn't that what happened in that little day dream of yours...?
Mark comes back with the asprin.
Mark- "Hey, Here Ya Go."
He sits down in the seat and hands you the pill and a water bottle.
You swallow the pill.
And the plane goes away almost IMMEDIATELY.
You point over towards the window.
Y/N- "Mark Look!"
He's about to look over but then the plane CRASHES right into the side of your guys's plane!
The Engine Explodes and you can't hear anything but the faint sounds of children and adults screaming for there lives.
You try and look over towards Mark but [Bam!] Something hits you in the head and you black out.

《8 Hours Later》
You wake up, you are on the ground of a forest, fog covering the trees for miles, not being able to see anything but what is right in front of you. You stand up.
[How did i survive that] , You think to yourself.
[Where's Mark?]
[What was that day dream earlier, and how did I see what was going to happen in just a matter of minutes?]
Millions of questions flutter in your head as you start walking towards the tree just a few feet away. You feel a horrid pain in your left arm, you look at it, a peice of metal is slicing right through the upper part of it, and it doesn't look good.
You start to wheeze and tears fall from your eyes onto the ground below the mist. You collapse to the ground as you put a hand onto the wound and try and cry for help, "Help!... Help!" , You scream.
[Why is this happening to me]
Your tears start to drench your shirt, but just then you hear someone scream in the distance!
"Hello?!" ,You scream back
You struggle to stand up, but you eventually do.
And as you try and turn around and go towards the sound of the screams in the distance, someone grabs you and covers your mouth.
(Who Could It Be??? You'll Have To Wait Until Next Time To Find Out.)

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