I was close enough to see the 2 guys properly now and I didn't recognize either of them, not even vaguely familiar. I didn't realize, but I had stopped walking now and was just standing in the middle of the alley way.

Before I could move to hide, one guy turned to face me.

"You don't need to be scared you know?" He said with a smirk.

I stepped back still unsure of the situation.

The other guy turned to look at me and smiled. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small while box. A packet of cigarettes.

"You look a little on edge, want one?" He asked as he took a cigarette out and got ready to light it.

"No thanks, I don't smoke." I said shaking my head. The guy smiled and looked down at the cigarette before looking back up at me.

"It wouldn't hurt to try." The guy pressed on, the slight hint of a smile still etched onto his face.

The two boys looked at me expectantly as I glanced from them, to the packet of cigarettes in the brunette boys hand. I stood for a little longer, glancing back and forth before rolling my eyes and sighing.

"Okay, you give me now, I try it, and then you let me go?" I asked, glaring at the two.

"Of course." The black haired one said as the brunette pulled a cigarette out of the pack and lit it before handing it over to me.

I glanced at them both nervously before placing the cigarette between my lips and inhaling the smoke. I started to cough as I did, it tasted disgusting and I didn't like the way it moved down my throat at all. But after I had overcome my small cough, I immediately felt more relaxed, and I have to admit, the sensation of it wasn't half bad.

I exhaled, letting smoke out and looked back over at the two boys, the black haired one was looking at me expectantly, and the brunette was smiling, as if he already knew what I was going to say.

"It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but I have to go now, so I might see you again sometime, bye."I said, before quickly turning and walking back in the direction I came, out of the alleyway.

I exited the alley way and stood on the edge of the path, realizing I still had the cigarette in my hand, I placed it back in my mouth and repeated what I did in the alleyway, minus the cough.

Where could I go now? My secret place was now out of the question, and town was too busy. After a few minutes of thinking I decided that I would go and see if Sodapop and Steve were working today.

I made my way to the DX and arrived within 5 minutes, this time not taking any alleyways that contained teenage boys that smoked.

I walked up the gravelly path and through the door of the small shop. The silver bell above the door dinged as I walked through. I looked over at the counter to see that no one was there, but before I could turn out of the shop to go and check in the garage, I heard a yell come from the back of the store.

"Just a minute!" Came the familiar voice, before I heard a loud bang and the muttering of "shit".

I quickly made my way to the back of the shop to see Soda standing by an empty shelf and a big pile chocolate bars.

"Oh my god, what did you do?" I asked, trying to fight the smile that desperately wanted to make its way onto my face.

"Let's just say I need to get better hand eye co-ordination." He smiled before bending down to pick up a handful of the chocolates and began to stack them on the shelf again.

I walked over and bent down and began to pick up more for him, stacking them as accurately as I could.

Once we were done Soda turned to me and smiled.

The One (Dallas Winston/The Outsiders)Where stories live. Discover now