The One (Dallas Winston/The Outsiders)

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Summary: Sidnee Harrison seemed to be just another everyday girl to everyone else, but just like anyone else, she has problems of her own. One of those problems being a boy with an ego the size of Texas, who seems to think he can get what ever he wants, but what if he wants her?

Sidnee Harrison
15 years old nearly 16
Blonde hair which is curly and usually in a high ponytail
Brown eyes
Bubbly, funny, confident, caring, smart, still in school, she is middle class and has soc and greaser friends.

This is just a short summary but I came up with this idea and I really liked it, picture of Sidnee to the side. :)

There will be some swearing in this story so this is a warning.

This story takes place a few months before Bob was killed and Johnny and Dallas died.

The first chapter should be up soon, I've written a quarter of it but I also need to edit it as well.

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