Chapter 23

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THIS IS LIKE one of those fairytales when the prince finally arrives for the girl. I say girl because I’m not a princess. I’ve finally met him. He is so lovely and thoughtful. I really like him.

But I think it’s too soon for us to kiss. I can feel that he wants to. It’s one of those freeze-frame moments. He must like me too. But it’s moving too quickly. I have to think about this. I’ve known this guy a day, even though it feels like we’ve known each other for much longer than that.

However, I do something just as silly as initiating a kiss. I interrupt our freeze-frame moment.

After I broke up our moment, we decided to go back “home” (my hotel and his apartment).

“Hey, Jordan?”

“Yes, Ally?”

“There’s this ball in just one day. It’s this Charity Ball that I have to attend,” I say. “I was wondering if you’d come with me?” I’m holding my breath because it’s taken so much courage to just say “Hey, Jordan.” I'd look silly to just stop there. My mouth said the words before my mind could stop it. I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or not. I guess it depends on the answer.


I squeeze my eyes shut. “I’m sorry. Did I just take things a little too far? I mean, we’re just friends.” I open my eyes. “I promise we’ll just go as a just friends. I need a friend.” Now I just sound desperate. Way to go, Ally.

He chuckles, and I’m confused. “I'd love to go,” he whispers.

I smile. “Thank you.” Then I come up with an idea. “Invite your family too! I'd love to see your siblings again.”

“I have two more. They’re grouchy and not as cute as the other two,” he says.

I shrug. “I want to meet them.”

“Okay then.” We arrive outside my hotel lobby. “I’ll text you,” he says with a twinkle in his eyes.

I think I’m slightly in love. Not completely sure, but I’m definitely feeling something. “’Kay.”

When I let myself into my hotel room, I burst out laughing. I didn’t realise Jasper was sitting on the sofa. He looks at me, amused, but mostly with the oh-God-my-sister-is-a-lunatic look. I’m too happy to even be worried about whether my brother likes me or not. The guy on the Island is not a creep. He likes me and I know it. Everything has suddenly turned for the better.

“Are you okay?” Jasper asks with one eyebrow arched.

“Yes!” I say. I am ecstatic. I have found the guy I like and my brother is talking to me! Score.

“Are you high?” he asks.

I pour myself something to drink from the fridge. “Nope. Not at all.” I down the cold water. “I just love Hong Kong.”

“Really now?” he says.

“Yes! Really!” I say. Why does he doubt my words?

He gets up from the sofa and turns the TV off. “Even with the Charity Ball just around the corner?”

“I don’t think it’ll be that bad,” I reply honestly. And I think it’s going to be perfect. I decide I won’t tell my family about Jordan yet. It can be a surprise.

“Well, just don’t come crying to me when it turns out all horrible,” my brother says as he leaves the room.

I frown. “What do you mean?”

He stops. “You know how I’ve been hanging around Patrick? Well, I’ve heard the fights between you and Diana. I’ve also heard the story. From what I know, Diana is a pretty evil person. She can do anything. I’m just warning you to watch your back.”

“I’m going to the Ball, Jasper,” I say.

He shrugs. “You’re my sister; I’m always on your side.” He closes the door and I can hear him humming a tune as he jogs down the stairs.

But you never show you’re on my side, Jasper. You watch me cry and let other people hurt me. You’re a liar, Jasper. I’ll never believe you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2012 ⏰

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