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 third person's p.o.v, enjoy my lovelies. 

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Everyone thought that they're the perfect couple and they'll last until the end. Everything was perfect despite of all the struggles that they had. Almost everyone adored their love and relationship because of how strong they were.

They tried to make things work out, they really did — but we need to face the truth, there'll always be an end for everything and that is something inevitable.

Five years had already passed. 

Five long years after Taehyung ran away from Jungkook. Five years without any sort of communication. Five years of separate memories and unsettled hearts.

Jungkook waited for messages but the older didn't even send him any birthday or holiday greetings through written letter, e-mail or text in the past five years. Where in fact, Jungkook tried. It ended up that Taehyung changed his number, leaving Jungkook in deep sadness.

Jeon Jungkook became worse

His depression and anxiety came back the night where Taehyung left. He questioned himself of what he lacked in and insecurities took him over. The flaws that he temporarily forgot came back and his past hunted him again.

Self-loathing became one of his routine along with skipping meals and hurting himself. But it's a good thing that it didn't last that long, all thanks to Namjoon and all the other hyungs that he had. 

At first, the hyungs except for Namjoon grew mad because of what Taehyung did —  because of course, who wouldn't get mad of being left without any reasons, right? 

Namjoon explained and they understood even though it's really hard at first because Taehyung became one of their closest friends ever since. They never thought that Taehyung can do that even Namjoon himself. 

Namjoon also told Jungkook the reasons behind but it didn't changed the fact that he's still badly hurt. He accepted it but still wanted Taehyung to explain. He wants to get angry at Taehyung for leaving him like that, but that's something that he cannot do no matter what. 

He loves Taehyung too much to the point he can't hate him even just for a bit. 

There's a lot of happenings in the five years that passed. 

They graduated, got their own jobs, and had their own lives.

Jungkook left the dormitory, leaving Mrs. Kang who became emotional but he promised that he'll pay a visit whenever he's free.

He also separated from his aunt and settled himself in an old yet still comfy house that his aunt lent him as he entered the life of being an adult while working in a craft shop that his aunt's husband gave him. 

He is really grateful that his aunt gave him care and love despite of being abused back then when he was young.

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