Chapter 3 :The Date

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Justin text me on my phone well not on my phone or on my text message he said

"do you want to go out with me "

I said sure but I don't know if my dumb ass monther will let me because I barely know this guy plus what am I supposed to do like I hope he doesn't kiss me or hug me or do anything further like "Sex" i am not haveing a long thing up there i think im good but anyway... okay I ask my mom and she said
"sure have fun i said " Yesss thank you so much mom" then after i went up upstairs about two hours later he knocked on the door and ask

"if Tara was there" and I said "I'm here" and he said "okay are you ready to go" said justin my mom said "yeah she's ready just give her a few more minutes ok he said so i ran all the way up the stairs and grab my purse, my phone and my wallet while I can't find my wallet so I looked everywhere in the room move everything around through clothes on the floor move the dressers finally I found it was under my bed so "Hole Shit i gotta hurry up Im coming" Wow that took more then a few minutes I ran down downstairs and there was justin and my mom....I walk out the door with Justin  he told me you can in the car and we went on our date it was a wonderful time we talked and talked and talked about who we are and like what we like basically we got to it was a wonderful time we talked and talked and talked about who we are and what we like and stuff like that but I think that he's a pretty nice guy even though he had some rough times in his life but I think that he's a wonderful guy he's sweet he's kind he's nice and he loves horses just like me and where we went for Dinner  was "Pizza Hut" and it was so good he paid for the food obviously well I've been  After dinner he took me home it was a long drive to place. he stopped the car and kiss me Wow that was amazing now He got out of the car and opened the car door for said "Did you have fun "
I said "yes i Did Thank you "
"Your welcome bye Tara "
"Bye Justin" i said  I went inside  dropped my purse took off my shoes and went upstairs  then mom came upstairs and said "Tara did you have fun?" and I said "yes mom I had so much fun he kissed me we went on a date and he likes animal's just like me and also we went to Pizza Hut  I had so much fun " my mom told me it's time to go to bed because its like 10:00 at Night so I put my pjs on and got ready jump into my bed with excitement and went to sleep the next morning was late for school so I grabbed my bag and rushed downstairs and I forgot to get dressed so I ran all the way back upstairs and got dressed and run all the way back downstairs and I ate my breakfast and say goodbye love you see you after school and she said back to me so I went to school and me and him were hanging out with each other but then I got in trouble I didn't know what I got in trouble for that's on my mind I forgot my homework and then that's why I got in trouble for so great what am I supposed to tell him so I want to the office and Justin went to class and I told the teacher I'm sorry I forgot it I won't do it next time and she said it's okay but this is your last warning if I hear you're forgetting it again you're going to get a detention and I said okay so it says on the class we did math and I hate math or gives me migraines sheesh the bell rang for the next period And I went to English and I forgot my binder so I had to go over to my locker and grab my binder went back luckily had 10 minutes to do whatever I have to do so I was the only one that was actually in the class right now so I was actually lucky that I didn't get caught not bring my binder to class and then one hour later the bell rang for lunch and Justin wanted me to go out with him for lunch with his friend and he told me that I can bring one of my friends so everyone of my friends and we went out for lunch any talk about something about the school dance is going on I don't even know where the school dances he said maybe I should go to it so I said sure where is it he said at the school and I said ok so his friend and my friend knew each other so they were boyfriend girlfriend and my fun said that you guys should be boyfriend and girlfriend and I said yeah we should but just not yet I don't I'm not ready yet so we went back to class and we had one more period to go and then we had to go home and it was pathetically Justin is it in my face that because he's not a girl so we did exercises play soccer play football play basketball and I hate it I just can't wait to go home I just can't wait to go home so the I just can't wait to go home I just can't wait to go home so the I just can't wait to go home for the bell rang and I grabbed my stuff got change quickly and then ran outside to the bus and the bus driver drop me off at my stop I want home drop my stuff on a ground and lay down text message saying I have to work and I said I can't work tomorrow tomorrow is a school dance and I have to go when am I going to do what am I going to do what to do I have to go to work but then I really want to go to the dance.

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