Chapter 1:The First Day Of Grade 11

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Mom I'm going to be late for the first day of school " come on Mom come on hurry up " I said loudly finally you are here," shs you tack longer then my pet turtle when its time to eat ,"she got out of your room took you long enough and is that what you wearing you take it off put something better on i said to my mom, stop with your complaining no I don't care what you say I can be who I want to be I said in my head yeah right you're really embarrassed me more than enough so we walked to the car me and my mom and I asked her if I can get my driving license she said we'll see how you will you do okay I said to to my mom so we are driving and my mom almost said a fool how stupid is that I realize that my mom's a bad driver well not bad drivers just say she's too into doing her makeup when she should have done it in the bathroom while she was getting ready anyway we got to school and I seen this guy he's nice he said hey what's your name," I said my name is Tara," he said Tara I feel like I know that name where did you live? I lived on on corner street close to where the mall is", oh he said can you show me where the class I was supposed to be in we are in the same class together he was my first friend in grade 11 even though I moved schools anyway I was gone too the gym to get my stuff after school and he was at the gym waiting for me and I said why you waiting for me he said I thought you might want someone to walk home with you and I said oh okay so we walked home and he said maybe we could hang out tomorrow I said okay and as soon as I got to my house he waved to me and said goodbye and I said goodbye and then I open the door and went upstairs played on my phone like always had a text message, it was justin he texted me

Sorry if theres mistakes 😅

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