seven; burn

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I just blurted out the news that I had planned on easing towards telling him. His face was blunt and blank, almost as if he had seen a ghost. I sighed and buried my head into my hands.

"Wh-what?" He managed to stutter out.

I bit my lip and looked over at Farkle, who looked almost as concerned as me.

All of a sudden, Lucas turned to face Farkle. "Thanks for ruining everything, mr. science."

"Lucas, no!" I practically shouted. "This is because of me, not him. I decided this, not him. I am sorry, but do not blame this scientist. He only helped me figure out the truth. It's what true scientists do."

Lucas' eyes were practically saucers and he looked away. He stood up, grabbed his books and looked down at me. "Okay, fine. I care about you and I want what is best for you, but I am furious at my so called best friend for ruining my relationship with my girl!"

I looked over at Farkle, whose eyes were filling with tears instantly. I felt horrible. I set my hand on top of his as we watched Lucas storm out of the room. I felt bad for him too; I am not one to hurt someone, ever! But, this was for me. I needed to do this.

"Well, class, this was a great example of what we had to learn today. So, let it sink in and class is dismissed. Go, speak with each other about this." Mr. Norton smiled at us, proud of himself. All the kids got up and followed him out of the classroom, leaving us alone.


I feel so bad for Riley. She broke up with her boyfriend, and I am sure she is hurting right now.

"Farkle, I am sorry."

Her words pulled me from my thoughts. I looked up to see a teary eyed Riley, her arms wrapped around my shoulders. I pulled her into a hug and sighed. "Riley, this is not hurting me! Why in the world are you apologizing?"

"You just got yelled at by Lucas, you dork!" she giggled.

"But, i'd do anything for you. You need to be okay with making yourself happy, Riles."

"I know, but-"

"No, Riley! Listen! You have to do what is best for you! That is what i've been trying to tell you all along, and that I would do anything for you, Riley." I sighed.

"You, you would?"

"You didn't know that already?"

She chuckled, "I mean, you say it, but I didn't know you meant it."

"I mean everything I say."

She blushed, but tried to hide it. "Okay,"

"Riley, did you sleep on my question?" I was hopeful, my heart was pounding.

"Yeah, I did. But, I just don't know how to feel. I mean, I liked it, but I am not sure if it is just because of what just happened- I just don't know anymore."

I lifted her chin, "Riley, re-lax. You- you liked it."

She smirked, "I felt sparks, but maybe it is just because we are best friends so we have chemistry? Yeah, yeah! That's it.

"Riley, seriously?"

"I don't know."

"Riley, I know how I feel. I think you need to figure out how you feel, okay? How about an experiment?"

"No!" She giggled. "I mean, no."

"How about we date for one week, that's all. You can evaluate our relationship, but I can treat you how I would if we dated."

"Hm, fine. Do we tell people that this is an experiment?"

"If you'd like."


Just then, our principal burst through the door. "You two, class, now! Come on, move it!"


Farkle smirked and planted a kiss on my forehead. "Bye, girlfriend."

I chuckled, "Boyfriend,"

This shouldn't be too bad, right?

a/n; yes yes yes riarkle!! okay comment what you think! is this a good idea? will riley fall for her best friend? even better, what will happen when the gang finds out? all good questions; find out sooon enough! have any ideas of what could happen or farkle could do to make riley's one week of dating him feel real?

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