"Legally I can't confirm such a program exists or ever existed, but you already know it did so I'll just say, she's no longer a part of it," Waller said.

"Why?" Kara asked.

"In simple terms? She's pure evil. She killed people without cause and that made classified missions much harder to keep quiet." Waller moved to a painting on the wall and took it down, behind it was a safe. As she began putting in the combination, Batman looked to Superman who shook his head no, as if to say there were no weapons in the safe. Waller pulled out a file and handed it to Superman. "That's where she's been hiding out for the past few years. It's a small island about a few hundred miles from the Gotham coast."

"Quarantine Island," Kara said as she read it, remembering something from her history class.

Waller nodded and added, "That's what they used to call it during the Typhoid outbreak of the twenties. Now it's June's home."


"Enchantress isn't a person, she's an entity and she lives inside June Moone, a quiet and lovely artist who's never done harm to anyone. Please, if you go there, don't hurt her."

"Thank you, that's all we came for," Superman said, moving toward the open window.

"Thank you," Kara said. And she finally heard Waller's heart skip a beat.


The brick building ahead stood monstrous on the shore of the small island. It felt unpleasantly familiar to Kara. As they landed and moved to the broken doors, she felt that the soil beneath her had the same heavy feel as the soil surrounding the grounds of Arkham Asylum, the same feeling came over her as they walked on, as if gravity pulled harder here.

She didn't know the suffering that took place here all those years ago, but if it was anything like Arkham, it was something the walls wouldn't soon forget. Since her stay there, she had thought herself far too easily fooled by dark rooms and quiet halls, easily able to believe the noises were sinister, the shadows malevolent. But she had the comfort of not knowing for sure if anything truly did live just outside her plane of vision. But Enchantress was the answer to the question of are there things in the shadows.

Bruce's eyes glowed a pale blue as he used his suit's x-ray vision to search the building. "There's something upstairs. Can't make out what," he said, said looking down the long hallway ahead. Kara found what he meant and focused her vision. Through the wall she saw a woman hanging by the wrists. The body moved.

They made their way to the second floor. Kara pulls open the metal doors. The woman was bound to the wall, her arms over her head, her hair hanging down in frizzy ropes, covering her face. She was pale, weak, as if she had been here for days. She looked up to them, her eyes glowing green. She smiled.

"Hello again," she said, looking at Kara. Fear was replaced with rage. She saw her mother getting into the car, the fire, her body burning... Supergirl darted across the room, taking the woman by the neck and pushing her hard against the tiled wall.

Superman shot across the room, pushing Kara back, she fell to the floor. "She killed my mother! She made me kill someone!" Kara shouted.

"It's not just her," Superman reminded her.

"That's right... June's in here too," said Enchantress. "You wouldn't want to be responsible for another innocent life now... or would you?"

"You made me kill him," Kara hissed.

"Oh no... he was alive when I left him. And you know it."

Batman reached down for Kara, she stood on her own. Batman turned to the woman on the wall. "Who did this to you?" he asked. "Was it Joker?"

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