Nicholas picked up the pieces as he had always done when it came to Edith. She preferred not the speak about Nicholas.

When she was a human, she was madly in love with the boy from her village, his name was Francis. She had the idea that when she found her soulmate; she would feel it tug at her heartstrings and the connection would be overwhelming. She never wanted to think about him, the damage she had done as a newborn was unspeakable. She loved him too much but her love for blood was always stronger in the end.

Edith would never talk about him, never of the human man that blessed her life. It was a tragic ending which she never wanted to relive. Her family knew that she had a mate as a human, they knew his name, they knew that he had loved her dearly and they knew how he had died.

It was never spoken about again once her family had found out.

Edith kept drawings of him in her room since she was an artist at heart and time. She thought he was a work of art and would constantly annoy him with her getting him to sit still as she sketched his face. By now, it was by memory; he had been dead more than a thousand years but he was still her idea of heaven. Most vampires didn't know or didn't let on that they knew Edith was one of the worlds oldest vampires; along side the leaders of Volturi. They let her live a normal and carefree live; mostly.

Edith first saw Francis in the village square, she was intrigued by the laughter and mocking that came with it. She had slowly approached the boys and tilted her head in awe, what a beautiful man. Francis was an attractive man, he stood tall and possessed dirty blonde curly hair and he has piercing blue eyes. He had pearly white skin and a masculine yet delicate face as he smiled and laughed at his brothers. As soon as he spotted Edith, he lowered his sword and started at her with awe and she blushed -

-and that was the beginning of the love story that haunted Edith for what seemed like an eternity.

"You're my sister and I love you but your fashion taste is disgusting so let's find something for you to wear." Alice quickly dragged Edith into the house as Edith huffed and let her feet drag across the wooden floors. She asked Alice why and that was the beginning of her rant.

"You are wearing jeans; hideous jeans and a tank top. This is a party and a graduation party and that; you have to look presentable and elegant." Alice sighed.

"I looked elegant back in the 1500's." Edith sighed as Alice throw dresses on her bed.

"This, Edith, is 2016."

"If someone annoys me, I'm going to eat them and I won't feel sorry about it. " Edith scratched her head as she watched as Alice's eyes dulled and she knew that she had to make Alice happy.

"I'm joking, that was a joke." Edith said as she slipped of her jeans and top and started to try on dresses.

Jasper and Emmet had been forced to set the house up for the party by Alice's orders and Rosalie was dragged to the supermarket to buy human food to place in bowls for the guests.

Everything was going to be perfect or near perfect in Edith's eyes.

After picking a dress from Alice's wardrobe, Edith wanted to reward herself by hunting so that she wouldn't be taunted by humans later on.

She was walking out of the house when she started think of him, the way his golden, sandy hair shimmered in the light and his bright blue eyes captivated Edith with one glance. They became friends and soon that progressed into something magical. They were truly in love with one another, so she thought.

Francis was mesmerised by Edith's carefree and kind personality, he loved how she was able to be tough and fierce but as soon as it came to Francis, she was too loving, she could never hurt him as least she thought.

Edith could remember kissing him for the first time; the butterflies were raging on inside her stomach almost becoming a burst of fireworks that was unexplainable anyone else. He would always kiss her forehead before he left to go home to his family and he would always put her first. They had an unexplainable love that all her friends envied and wanted.

She didn't even know what she was doing until she found herself blacking out and regaining her mind when she had drained the blood from a deer and she found herself in a sour mood, whimpering at the fact she had let memories of Francis control her mind.

EDITH / TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now