Part 16: Demon Pox or Chicken Pox? (2)

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Reader's POV


What's happening? My body shook violently; I didn't know what made me feel scared as I was confused with the problems that are being held. Either I'm scared because I'm naked in front of Vladimir and Vivaldi or because scales are poking out from within or because the syringe Vladimir's holding. Believe me, the syringe wasn't just any small syringe. The needle the needle the needle, it was big – too big – for anyone. I screamed and screamed and screamed loud, piercing their ears. "Alice, calm down! People will think I'm raping you!" Vladimir pinned me down, locking my legs so I won't be able to kick or harm him in the process of I don't know. "HELP M-," Vladimir shoved a piece of cloth inside my mouth, making my screams unheard and quiet. "Vivaldi. Get the holy water heated and the knives prepared," Vladimir shot him a worried kind of stare but it somehow looked like a glare. "It's been 8 hours straight so you better be fast." Vladimir turned back and then frowned at me while he flicks the syringe gently. My eyes ran around the room to find Vivaldi but he was no longer there. Perhaps, he's getting the things he was ordered. "I'm not going to lie. This will hurt like hell." I face tightened and I bit the piece of cloth. My jaws clenched the piece of cloth like trying to bit off wood from a tree and it hurt. I wasn't prepared for this. I stared and saw massive amount of scales popping out around my shoulders and down to my breast. Almost the major part of me was covered by black shiny scales. They were like dragon or dinosaur scales. They were the size of a penny from the ancient times. "Alice. Alice," Vladimir called me and I looked at him then to his syringe. I was fueled with fear. "Look at me, dear Alice." I looked at him and he placed a palm on my forehead. "You're going to be just fine. This will hurt a lot but you're going to be a lot better after this session of pain. You got me?" He smiled at me though there were droplets of sweats forming on his face down to his throat. "Calm down now. Relax. The more you're tensed, the more pain you'll inflict to yourself." I sighed with my nose, relaxing myself as I close my eyes. "Just bite my handkerchief. I'm going to inject you with this medicine in 3." He said medicine, but deep down I know it's not. "One," I closed my eyes and I felt the tip of the syringe on my belly. It was cold. "Two," I took a deep breath and braced for the worst. "Three." He stabbed the syringe in and injected the fluid inside me. The pain slowly travelled from my belly to my chest, neck, head and I screamed as loud as I could though I'm muffled. The pain burned internally and then my skin burned.

"Two more things to do, Alice, Don't give up," He threw the syringe away and I panted, huffed and puffed, breathing like a fish stranded on the shore. Vivaldi returned with a bucket of water – the holy water, I suppose so – and 3 daggers. "This will hurt too. Much more intense than what I had done. Brace yourself Alice." Vladimir ripped the dress further and took some part of the cloth. "Vivaldi, give me a hand," Vivaldi placed the bucket beside Vladimir then he sat behind me. Vladimir dipped the cloth inside the bucket of hot holy water. "Hold her down by her shoulders." Vivaldi didn't hesitate on holding me down. "Sweetheart, ________. Look at me." Vivaldi called my name. I missed it more than ever and it calmed me down. I looked upwards to see him, staring into my eyes with his iris. "Don't think about this, okay?" I nodded weakly, relaxing my muscles and then breathed deeply. I'll think of you instead, Vivaldi. "Don't look away from me." Vivaldi smiled though I could see him frowning even though he's in his original form. Our eyes never parted away, locked together. Vladimir took the cloth out from the bucket and exhaled. I whimpered a in fear, trying my best not to cry. "One," I counted. "Two," Vladimir fixed the cloth wide and Vivaldi held my shoulders firm. "Three."

Vladimir warped the scaly part of me, smoked came out from my skin and the water evaporated. The pain, oh God, it was intense, in fact it was too intense for me to bear. It felt like giving birth to a child from my skins. My tears ran before I could open my mouth and scream out from the God damn pain. It burns it burns it burns it burns it hurts. Is this the pain the demons feel when they touch holy water? The pain burned every part of me but I felt like my soul was being burned in hell. I couldn't bear this anymore and I feel like passing out. My eyes rolled around, I struggled stronger than before with such force that could probably carry an elephant with one arm, squealing in demonic voices, burning the handkerchief muffling me and cursing in a different language. I heard my voice clear:

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