Part 1: Encountering the Wolf

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Reader's God Damn POV
It was night by then. Dark as the shadows would be, covered by the shades of black— annihilated, eaten, devoured by black— blinding darkness. I was walking alone in the streets of New York. The city that never sleeps, never cease to sing with fame and glamour. City that I seem to enjoy yet it's also boring.
It was night by then, the darkness came to life and here I am, walking in the streets of the city that never sleeps.

I paced myself in a tempo of waltz, looking around the signs of living and it was peculiar of the street to be tranquil. Just a moment ago, sounds of roaring engines, laughter, chatterings and cries of people, slamming of doors, clopping sound of horse shoes, neighs of horses, squeaking of an old rusty wheel spinning. They were all there. But it all evaporated quick enough for me not to notice anything. How peculiar. This city never dies—always crowded here and there— from noises and lights.
I've come to realization that the street I've walked for 20 or 30 minutes beyond was dark and no signs of life are seen. A soft gentle and cold breeze blew and chill ran its non-existant fingers down my spine from my nape. My scarf, furry coat and black jeans were not enough to keep me warm.

This street. This street of New York.

This street of New York is dead. It's dark. It's quiet. It's cold. It's dead.

My legs and brain are debating whether I should continue to walk on this dead street or should I go back this instance. It's not safe for any young girl to walk on lonely streets that are dark. Especially the streets of the city that never dies just died. My brain and my dearest legs, would you be so kind to stop debating and tell me where do I have to go? It's really frustrating.

"Why aren't you lost, pretty lamb in wolf fur?" A voice came from a distance behind and my heart began to pound fast. It was a light, masculine yet comfortable. Soothing I would say. However, the voice belongs to someone I do not know and I do not wish to know... Or did I wish to?
[Vivi's voice:  (Tanner Patrick :') in the video ]
"What brings you here to the lonely streets of the loud city, little lamb?" The voice continues to sing. "Mr, don't just poke into someone's bubble and pop it. Do you care to leave me alone? We all have our personal bubbles, now don't we? And the name is not Little Lamb." I took a deep breath and stopped going onwards. I despise the idea being called a little lamb. I am not weak. "Whoa there, sweetheart." He stopped and chuckled. I could tell he was smiling. "You're one scary herbivore. But sweetheart, why are you in such a dangerous zone and seem not to care?" I heard footsteps going, each time louder.

"... I'm going home. I took the same route everyday." I braced myself, preparing for the man I do not know. He's probably planning to do things to me. Dirty things, menacing things or weird things.
"I'm always here everyday but I've never seen a sweet little lamb like you wandering about here. Spill the truth. You're lost, aren't you?"
He caught me red-handed, he's right. I am lost. Oh God.
"... W-well..." I looked down sheepishly, slightly embarrassed. "Well, turn around now. It's not safe here, dear little lamb." The man walked away. Again with the name.

"W-wait! I'm lost! I don't know where I am." I turned around to look at the man, he was there. He stood there, away from the light's shower. "Well, little lamb, don't you know where you came from?" He ceased walking. It was dark, I could see his features. "No... I don't... C-can you help me?" I asked, was shy but I didn't want to end up here forever. There might be bad people, bad man, bad monsters, bad things.

"I can't." He says coldly.

"Why is that...?"

"I am a wolf. The scariest wolf you'll ever encounter, little lamb. You'll be scared of me. So keep your distance and love my features from far away as I am stading in the dark, will you?" His voice had signs of growlings and menacing sharp tones, but it was soothing too. Soothing yet menacing. Sharp yet soft. Sweet yet scary. He's an oxymoron, walking. I walked closer to him to get a better view. "Oh, how scary. Show me your best, Mr. Wolf. I've seen worst." It's true I've seen worst. I saw a monster eating up a human long ago. A scary beast.
"You've seen worst? Pfft. Don't kid around, little lamb." He scoffed.
"Please. I beg of you." I begged with a softer tone. He tried to complain but hesitated then sighed. "Do me a favor, lamb." He began. "Alright...?" I tilted my head to the sides, kind of dumbfounded.

"Don't run away as I step into the light. Don't scream. Don't leave. Got that?" He instructed as if I were probably going to do what he had mentioned. By then I'm already under the shower of light, just 3 small steps away from him. "Alright... If do one of those? What will happen?"
"I'll eat you." He cackled. It brought another chill to my fragile spine. "Well... Come out wolf." I was rather getting impatient.

He took 2 deep breaths and turned around, walked slowly straight to the light. His... Features. My feet began to shook violently, my hands tremble, cold as ice. My body trembled from head to toe and all of my hair in my arms stood up. The goosebumps are visible to see as well. He's tall. I'm only up to his chest. His features. He... He...

"... What's wrong? You seem scared." He smirked. I do not know if that is a smirk or not. It was boney. Everything. White as bones. Dead. He looked dead yet he's alive, standing infront of me. His eyes staring straight into mine as if he saw through me and my mind. "... You are scared." He frowns. "You did well. You're unlike the other little lambs." A cold and gentle skin, or what I thought it was, brushed against my cheeks. I looked. It was bones. Boney fingers carrassing my cheeks gently. "I won't eat you. I don't eat humans." He spoke with those jaws and teeth, fuctioning like how biologist would play with a skeleton jaw opening and closing. His head, it was a skull. No skins. Just skulls with eye socket that isn't hollow. There's a glowing iris and pupil. His other part was fractured—a large crack like it came from a hit—gone, hollow. He had no nose, just nose bone and a hole.

I was beginning to lose my balance for my knees could not support me anymore, began to be falling backwards but my fall broke. His boney arms caught me from my waist and arm. "Whoa now, be careful." He pulled me back up and then he pulls away from me. Something about this... Monster—no, he's not a monster. He's humam like. He's so humane... So gentle. Something about this human-like monster is different from the rest that I've encountered. Very peculiar. "Well... I should probably get back. You're on your own now, little lamb." He moves away from me and began to step back to the darkness; to be eaten by the shadows.

"M-my name is not little lamb. It's _______!" Being fed up with this nicknames, I threw my arms up. "_______. What a wonderful name." His boney hands once again came to the light and reached my cheeks only to carrass. His voice called my name. The way he said it felt like the vowels are being embraced...
"_______... Wonderful like you are."
My heart pounded faster. "You should go home. I'll take you home." He spoke.
"Don't have to ask, _______." He called my name again. Why am I getting all flusterred? He offered his hand and I took it without hesitation. "________, close your eyes."
I close my eyes. Why am I getting all flusterred and why am I trusting him? My cheeks are burning and I feel that this being is trustable. Why? I don't know...

"Open your eyes, sweetheart. You're here." I felt a soft pat on my head and I opened my eyes. I couldn't believe it. I'm infront of my hotel room. But how? I didn't even tell him. I remember clearly I never did. "How did you-"
"Shhh. Don't ask. Besides, we all have our personal bubbles, don't we?" He smirked and pulled his hand away. "... I..."
"I best be going now. Cya, little lamb." He walked away, heading towards the elevator.

"W-wait! Before you go... May I ask what is your name?" This feeling inside my chest appeared. Like something about him made me feel this way. Like I want to see again.
"The name's Vivaldi. Vivaldi Fontaz. Cya little lamb." He went in the doors and waved calmly. "... Vivaldi...."
He smirked again and then the doors closed.

It was night by then, the rising of the blinding dark, the streets of New York that never dies just died...
It was night by then when I met a peculiar humanly-monster, scary yet gentle.

It was night by then... When I met Vivaldi Fontaz.

It Was Night By Then (Vivaldi x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें