Part 10: Daemon Hunters

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Reader's POV
********before vivi barge in********
I was hiding inside Vivaldi's closet with my Iphone flashing whatever was inside. He had his sword or kotetsu kept neatly and a samurai... Armor? What? Well, anyway, I grabbed whatever looked sharp as a weapon—one of his kotetsu— and held it close to my chest. The thing. The demon. It crawled around and I had to use Vivaldi's jacket as a disguise. It could smell my scent and Vivaldi's smell could disguise me.

"... I... Can... Feel... Your.... Fear...", the demon spoke like thousands of people tortured inside it. I cautiously creak open the closet and moved like a feather, not wanting to make a sound. The demon heard the creaking door of the closet and turned around to see it. The place wasn't too dark since the windows are still bright and the room itself lit up a bit. I observed the demon. It's details were horrifying. Scales of snake, face of a woman, hair of octopus tentacles, teeth of razor, body of a snake, tail of a scorpion, legs of centipede and long flexible neck. The hands were human hands and the claws were sharp. Long and red.

It moved around to sounds it had heard and I tried throwing Vivaldi's slippers to the rays of light escaping the translucent curtains and it crawled in such speed I barely could see its movement. Though, later the demon hissed and squealed in pain because of the light. It came to my head that I could rip off the curtains and kill this thing. I scuttered to the windows and ripped of the curtains and, "Hey!" I called for its attention. It hissed and squealed loudly. It saw me and its scorpion tail aimed for me though I blocked it with Vivaldi sword as I screamed.

I was on fire. I wanted to kill this demon. His sword burned the demon's tail like fire touching paper. Whatever his sword was made of, I am in love with his sword. The demon hissed loud, snarling at me as I showed the sword and I charged at the demon with no hesitation. I used it to stab its back. The demon roared and cried, shrinked and then fell on its back with me trapped behind its heavy scaled back. It violently struggled in pain at and hit me over and over with its scaled back. It hurt a lot and stinged a lot.

Its tail stabbed everything around. Vivaldi's bed, my bag, my... Oh no, my books, no God why--
That's it. This demon is way out of hand.
I turned the sword by the handle and dragged it along, cutting it from the back, opening its belly. Hot and thick substance poured out of its wound I've opened and it burned my skin like acid eating away my tissues. Then it stopped struggling violently, beginning to move slower and slower until it ceased. I covered the thing with Vivaldi's blanket and ran back to the closet. Scared and didn't want more any trouble with demons, I felt safer in his closet. It smells nice. It smells like Vivaldi. And that makes him him.

Then the door broke down. "LAMB?!" He sounded scared yet filled with anger. "Oh no... No no no no... No.. __________..."
Vivaldi pulled the sheets and saw the demon instead of me and he became bewildered. "... What the f.... ____________?" He called for my name and I came out with his sword. Vlad took a glance at me and his jaws were wide open. "... How was she able to use that? I thought it's only you who could wield that sword, V"

Vivaldi's face was priceless, jaws opened, iris flashed and he looked like he's about to cry. "I don't fucking know but that's my girl right there. Astounding, isn't she?" Vivaldi chuckled nervously and then frowned. "Come here, sweetheart. You worried me to death." His voice shook, kind of dry like he was trying to fight with his eyes with his single tear trying to escape his eyes and I ran to hug him because he needed it more than ever.

Vivaldi nearly crushed me to death with his arms, hugging me like chains made of titanium. "V-Vivi! I'm okay. I'm okay. It's not my blood." I chocked out, felt strangled of his muscles though he's a skeleton. "I know... I know...," he repeated his words while his voice evaporates slowly into a whisper. "... I'll be by your side every now and then." He burried his head into my chest, shaking as if he was cold. His arms warped around my waist and he inhaled a bit loud, trying to fight the flames burning his 'throat' or his heart. His head retracted and his iris found its way to my eyes, staring deeply. "... I...", his jaws opened and I felt the same guilt I had earlier. I needed to apologize.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... Say that and things. It's... It's my fault I made you-"

"No, It's my fault. I shouldn't have left you and should've faced you like a man," he cut my long apology and placed his palms on my cheeks in a form of a cup. "I like you too." He smiles but soon falter into a sad one. "But we can't fall in love."

"Why?", my heart burned, aching, squeezed, "... You'll die." The blunt answer ripped my soul, I felt hurt. I wanted to cry so hard but I didn't want to show him I was weak. My head spun and found the components for a debate to this answer. "... We kissed and I didn't die. We hugged and I didn't die. I won't die." I spoke out like I was angry but to be truthful, I was hurt and sad and my voice broke off with the last phrase. "... I'm scared, sweetheart. I'm scared. I don't want to hurt you."

"But you did. You've stolen a part of me and now you're messing with my emotions." I glared and I failed to fight my tears. I couldn't lie about my feelings with my tears. My tears never tell a lie. "...", he was speechless.

Vladimir, thankfully, called. "Lovebirds, the claves got to tell you a lot of things. Get up and we'll be heading to California soon."

Vivaldi stood up with me in his arms and pulled me along. And as we walked, we were speechless through out the whole journey.

I... I've done it, didn't I?

I hurt him.

I'm stupid.

2 b contzz

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