Part 16: Demon pox or chicken pox (1)

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The updates are going to get slower after part 17.

I'm focusing on my art lesson and all.

Now enjoy the story.

Reader's POV

Jesse stood there, facing me while his body looking at some other place, wearing a leather black cool suit – I think it was his battle gear or uniform – and continued to joke around making me laugh. His hair is short with burns on the side of his face, shaved-short hair at the back and long at the top toppled down to the right. His dark blue hair illuminated under the lights from the chandeliers and iridescence from the crystals. "So, tell me_________. Why aren't you hanging out with Valdi? You were icy cold to him." He sneered and fixed his standing position. My heart fell at this question and his little fact. I gave Vivaldi a cold stare and I behaved like a total bitch to him. I sighed. "Oh, no... He's a jerk." I sewed a smile whilst crying internally, devastated but then frowned as I smiled. F ace, please stop changing into sadness, I don't want to cry right now. "Oh. Yeah, he could be but he's actually a sweetheart. He's just... how do you say it...," he placed a fist under his chin, looking up to browse the right vocabulary like a dictionary and finally he brought his hands upon together, "Let's say he's the type to never tell the truth about his feelings like he wants to tell you, 'Hey, I'm addicted to you and I can't let you go now but I'm afraid you'll be annoyed of how rough I am,' but what he told you was, 'I can't fall in love with you because I'm afraid.'" I stared at him, cocking my head to the side. "Um, let's say he's a shy guy who's afraid of changing. He doesn't want the friendship to end because he's not used to it but he also wants to fuck with the girl or the guy friend if he's the gay guy." I snorted at "The gay guy" and covered my mouth. Jesse grinned brightly, "Hey, your smile's back! Good riddance of your sadness!" He punched my sides lightly and spun his head around to stare at the giant old grand-father clock on the main hall while the crowds flooded. "Oh shoot. I have to go now. It's dinner time and I can't miss it!" He hurried and waved at me. I smiled replying his wave and turned away. ...Dinner, huh? Right... Vivaldi needs his dinner. My legs carried me back to Vladimir's room. The same halls decorated with curtains of rose gold, large cream tiles between the maroon red tiles at the sides, burning candles which never seemed to die and hanging chandeliers with candles and glass. I stood upon the blood red carpet with the word – written in old English style of font – 'Flames of Fire' of black. I knocked at the door and received an answer. "State your name and report."

"It's me, Vlady."
"Cometh, Alice."

I spun the golden knob stuck on the oak doors carved like royalty and directly glance at him. "Vlady, do you... do you know where Vivaldi's room is?" Vladimir shot a look at me with his eyes wide that probably means 'you-made-up-together-?". He gave bright vibes and smiled, standing up from his seat and putting down his newspaper. "Of course, Alice, I'll escort you through and show you all about Wonderland." I moved away to let him pass and he closed his door, locking it. His room was probably to most valuable place of all. Vladimir shoved out his hand, "Come," and I took his hand while my face flushed pink. I'm holding his hand and everyone's going to look at us weirdly. "Vivaldi hasn't eaten anything... I'm worried." I tighten the grip, clenching his hand while mine shivered like I was in a blizzard or somewhere cold. My heart sank down, I looked down as well. I made him sad, I hurt him and now, he won't even try to get close to me. Not trying to ask for dinner either. I screamed internally. Vladimir frowned and placed his hands on my cheeks, staring deep into my eyes. "Hey, you're going to go get him and with you, he'll be fine." I smiled though this feeling of worry still lingers in me because if I meet him, what on earth am I going to say to him? 'Want a treat wolf? Want a treat?' or 'Who's the good boy? Come here for a treat'??? This is frustrating.

It Was Night By Then (Vivaldi x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora