Fighting Back

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Jason's pov

I ran down the hall, breathing hard. I'm scared. If someone comes in that room, there's no way they'll be able to defend themselves.

Miranda's pov

"Jason's screwed." Luke mumbles softly. I sit up and hug him tight. "I missed you Luke." "I missed you too, kiddo. How's everything back home?" "We've made our own government." I shakily mumble, fighting back tears. I wanna go home. I suddenly feel unbelievably strong. Invincible almost!

Jason's pov

I skid and trip into a dark room. Why is everything so dark? I light up the cavernous room with my fire powers. I see my sister breathing heavily. "What the?!" I gape. "I'm strong again, Jason." She says. "I want to help!" I bite my lip worried. "Ok but stay close." I say, grabbing her hand. I hear our mother scream! I run in there as fast as I possibly can and as soon as I do, the door is bolted shut! She has that metal thing around her waist. She's having trouble moving. "Mama!" I cry, running to her. "Run!" She whimpers, pushing me away. Horror fills me when three giant spikes stab through my mother's body! Her eyes roll in the back of her head and she slumps to the ground. I hear Miranda scream. She runs over, hitting her knees and trying to heal her. But she's not strong enough. "Mom." She whimpers. "Ha ha. This was a trap and you fell for it. Stupid human! Even with a future seeing human." I look around trying to figure out which direction they're in. "I am not stupid. I'm stubborn. I knew it was a trap." I feel something slice my arm, making me stumble, my arm bleeding. I shoot a fireball into the darkness and grab Miranda's hand. "Stay close." She nods and heals my arm. I force a smile until another slices my back, making me scream in pain and fall to my knees. "Jason!" "Oh look at Mr. Hero!" The alien walks into view. I fire a fireball that he dodges easily. "Don't touch her." I mumble, painful sharp sword like tentacles wrap around my legs. I can't move, the pain unbearable. She screams my name. "Don't touch my brother!!!!" She yells, clenching her fists. "Stop... You'll.... Get yourself... Killed." I mumble, trying to stand up.

Miranda's pov

That's it! I run at the monster with Jason screaming in fear. I shot a ray of light into it and the whole thing explodes. "It's not fire they're afraid of. It's light." "How'd you do that?" He gapes, staring at me. "I don't know. It just.... Sorta happened." I help him up and heal his wounds. "What the? Your healing powers are stronger. I feel..... Unstoppable!" I smile. He hugs me. "Now let's go kick some alien ass!" "Jason, are we gonna get home?" He smiles. "Of course little sister." I smile with confidence I didn't know I had and we take off running to hopefully find the control room and bring these bastards to their knees!

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