Reestablishing order

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Jason's pov

She hasn't come out of her room in days. I knock on her door. "You have to eat something!" I call. Silence. I open the door and she's asleep in her bed. I close the door. What am I gonna do with her? We're running low on food though so I'm going to run to the next town since it's gotten pretty dangerous in ours. Maybe we should relocate someplace else. I walk back into her room. She's still asleep. I shake her awake. "Hey Miranda, I'm going to the next town to find food." She won't look at me. She just nods. "Don't be gone too long." She whimpers, a tear falling from her eye. She hugs me and cries. "It's gonna be okay. We'll make it though this." I say. She nods.

*a few hours later*

Since my truck was stolen, I've had to walk. I'm just now reaching the city limit. I walk further and slam into something solid. "What the?!" I gape. There's nothing there. I push on the invisible barrier in front of me. Sweat accumulates. My hands give out. I walk further down feeling alongside it but it keeps going. There's no break in it anywhere. I push hard on it again then suddenly am thrown back. My whole body burns and my clothes are smoking. I sigh. I guess we aren't ditching this town. Instead I find a grocery store and get home. I set to work making macaroni and cheese. I have the eye on high and accidentally touch it but shockingly it doesn't burn me. I realize my hand is still on it so I pull it away. I stare at my hands then press it to the hot red eye. Again my hand is fine. I'm so confused. I look at the back of my hands and fire shoots out of my palms. I scream and fall back. I stare at my hands. Then focus. A ball of fire floats on my palm, not burning me. "My God!" I gasp. It must've been that weird barrier. I scream for my sister. She walks in the kitchen looking annoyed. "What?" She mumbles. "Check this out." I say with a smirk as I make a fireball in my hand. She screams. "What the hell is that?!" She gapes. "I've got powers." I say. "How?" She cries. I turn the stove off and we walk to the edge of the city. I stop and tell her to keep walking. She hits the same barrier and is thrown back. I catch her and her clothes are smoking too. I wonder what power she'll have. "What is that?!" She cries. I shrug. "But after I ran into it, I could do this." I say, doing the fire thing again.

Miranda's pov

Super powers. He has a super power. He stares at me waiting. I lift my hands up to him. "Whoa, point 'em away from me! I don't know what they'll do!" He cries, holding the hat to his head and backing up several steps. I laugh. Nothing even happens. Ugh. Yet again, Jason gets good stuff. He gets powers. I don't. He was musically gifted. I'm not. He had a girl that really loved him. My guy turned crazy. He pats my back. "Sorry sis." He says and shrugs. We're walking back home when he trips over a branch and twists his ankle. "Ow! Oh man! It really hurts!" He cries, holding it while sitting. I can't carry him! What do we do now?! I bend down and lift his pant leg to see if it's swollen. When my hands touch it, he sighs in contentment. I stare at him confused. "What'd you do? It doesn't hurt anymore!" He gasps, moving it around. "I didn't do anything but touch it!" I gape, slowly. We lock eyes and he smiles. "That's your power! You can heal people!" He gasps, standing up. We get back to town where some 15 year old is yelling into a microphone. "We're establishing a government." He says. "Anyone 16 and older, please step forward." The kid says.

Jason's pov

I'm 18 but I'd rather stay with my sister. I step forward anyway. The kid jumps down. He stares at me. "Care to be a farmer?" He asks. My eye twitches in anger. "I may be a redneck but I ain't no farmer!" I growl. He sighs. "What do you wanna be?" He asks. "I wanna protect my sister." I say, glancing back at her. "Cop it is." He says, "how old are you?" "18." I say. The boy gasps in shock. "I resisted their call." He stares at me suspiciously then shrugs.


She's gonna work as a doctor because of her healing powers. I'm gonna be a cop. A kid walks up to me looking scared. "It's my 18th birthday tomorrow." He says. I always dread it nowadays when someone says that because it makes me think of Jen and Luke, mom and dad, and worst of all Tanner. We've lost more kids on their 18th birthdays then we've saved. "What should I do?" He asks. "Don't go with the person that comes to get you. No matter who it is." I say. He nods but still looks scared. "My 19 year old girlfriend called for me on my 18th but I said no. I had siblings to take care of." He smiles. "Thanks officer." He says and leaves. Officer. I like the sound of that. "Ya know Terry, it was real smart of you to make a government." I say. He smiles. "We made the government my friend. We." He says. "I'm gonna go see how my sister is doing." I head to our makeshift hospital. She pats a kid on the back as he exits. "Thanks." He says. He may be a little over 5. Another dude in a nurse's uniform is in there. "Who's that?" I ask. "My assistant, Tyler. He had a shoulder injury. I helped him and he asked to help so now he's helping me." She says. "How's bein' a cop?" She asks. I shrug and sit in the chair. She heals the latest kid and she leaves. "Done for today?" He asks. She nods. "I'm gonna tell him." She whispers. I'm a little confused. He sighs and leans against the wall. "What's up?" I ask. She walks over looking nervous. "Me and Tyler are dating. We have been for a couple days now." She says. I'm completely thrown for a loop. "I-I-I uh!" But nothing logical comes out. She tries not to laugh and walks over to him. "It's nothing like with Justin." She says. "It better not be or I might just have to burn someone." I mutter. She glares at me. We're the only ones who know about the wall giving powers and I want to keep it that way. She kisses him. I leave quickly.

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