Fighting Back

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Miranda's pov

I wake up in an airplane. "W-What's going on?" I mumble, feeling nauseous. The plane lands. Someone pulls me out. "What's going on?" The guy that grabbed me is dressed all in black and has pinned my hands behind my back. He shoves me into a room. He locks the door behind me and it's pitch black. "W-Who's there?" A voice I haven't heard in ages whimpers. My heart pounds out of my chest. "Mama?" I whisper, tearing up. "Miranda? Is that you?" "Yeah mom it's me!" I gasp, running to the voice and hugging my mother.

Jason's pov

They took her. They took my baby sister! Tyler is a crying mess. When he turns eighteen, I'm fighting whatever this is and getting my sister back! "Ty when is your eighteenth?" I growl, clenching my fists. "Next week! Why?" He asks trying to stop crying. Man he musta really loved my sister. "Cause I'm gonna kick it's ass!"

Miranda's pov

The door reopens. A flame burns low. "Come." A deep voice whispers. "No! Let me and my Mom go!" I yell instead. Whoever it is laughs and grabs my arms. I kick it and it falls against the wall. I grab mom's hand and take off running.

Jason's pov

*one week later*

"Just stay outta my way." I grumble infuriated. He's super freaked out. I tie him down just to be on the safe side. "Whatever you see is not really them. It's some alien or something." He shakily nods. "Hey Jason," "Yeah?" "Get my girl back." I smile. "I will." The room goes dark! "Oh crap! It's time!" I gasp, getting ready. It appears and as per the drill beckons to him. He panics slightly. I bet he's seeing my sister. I push him out of my mind and run at it. "GIVE ME BACK MY SISTER!!!" I scream punching it in the face. He falls against the wall. I pin it to the wall by it's throat. "Give her back now!" It wraps a tentacle around my arm and everything goes dark.

The VanishingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon