All alone

18 1 0

Jason's pov

Since I'm not sure if the apocalypse is about to ensue, I'm stockpiling food, water, and weapons. I should probably teach Miranda how to shoot a gun. "I'm scared." Tanner whimpers. I'm too busy to notice as she comforts him. "Are we gonna pay for this?" She asks. "I don't have time to deal with that." I snap, frustrated. She's worried about going to jail while I'm worried about surviving the next couple months. We get home.

Miranda's pov

Jason's hands are shaking like crazy. He goes to our parents' room. In 3 months, my older brother could be gone. He must be terrified. He comes back out wearing our dad's cowboy hat and carrying his 9 mm. "Why do you have a gun!?" I cry, pulling Tanner behind me. He stares at me with the most serious look on his face. "Jason, what's going on?" "I don't know but whatever happens I'm gonna make sure you both survive and if that means blowing someone's God damned head off so be it." He says, his voice strained and fear filled. "And I'm gonna teach you how to shoot." "Why?" I whimper. A tear slips down his cheek. "Just in case.... Something does happen to me in 3 months." He manages to say. "Go to your room." I tell Tanner. He exits. "Whatever happens to me, you have to stay alive. That kid can't take care of himself." He says, pointing down the hallway. I nod. "Don't you dare leave me!" I cry, hugging him. He's crying too. "Jen's gone." He whispers. She was 19. He must be devastated. He really loved her. He breaks the embrace and heads to the back door. "Come on. I need to teach you to shoot." He says.

Jason's pov

I'm trying hard to be strong for her, for Tanner but will I be dead in 3 months? I shakily raise the gun and fire it at a tree. She screams. "Get over here!" I shout. She does and I thrust the gun into her hands. "Aim at the tree. Look through the viewfinder and shoot." I instruct. She's just standing there. "Dammit, shoot the fucking gun!!" I scream. She throws it down. "Stop yelling at me!!" She hollers. "I need to know you guys will be okay!" I cry. "Stop this! This is not my brother! This is not you!! What is happening to you!?! Stealing and yelling!! This isn't the Jason I grew up with!" She yells. "The kid you grew up with grew up. I'm doing what I can to keep you alive and the sooner you realize and start listening to me the sooner I can get things done!! I've got 3 months. We better get started!" I scream, grabbing the gun and shoving it back in her hands. She's crying by now and she points the gun at the tree and fires it, striking the tree on point. "Finally." I mutter. That's when I hear it. A high pitched scream. We lock eyes. "Tanner!!!!!" She yells, running to the house. "Shit!" I grab the gun and follow her. A boy of about 15 holds Tanner by the shoulder with a knife to his neck. "Let him go!!" She cries. "What do ya want?" I growl, holding the gun so tight my knuckles turn white. "Food, weapons, the girl." He says. The girl?! I pull Miranda behind me. "I need a queen to rule beside me since the world's gone to shit." He says. "You seem pretty high of yourself." I grumble. "No adults, no cops, no rules. Nobody to stop me." He says, shrugging. "I may not be a cop but I certainly can stop you." I whisper, shooting the gun. The kid flies back and crumples to the ground. Both my siblings are screaming. "Shut up!!" I yell. "J-Jason you k-killed him!" She gasps. I turn around to her. "It was either him or Tanner. Take your damn pick!" I gripe. She walks over to Tanner. "Get his medicine." She says. His medicine!! "What are we gonna do when we run out?" I whimper, dropping the gun. "We can make do. He'll just be harder to control." She mutters. "Tanner calm down." "I want mama back." He whimpers. I sigh and get his medicine. Mom is not coming back and in 3 months neither will I.

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