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Rating: PG-13
Warning: none, my dudes, this is fluffy as fuck
(A/N: this is inspired by the fact that Junkrat's Junkenstein Halloween skin has stubble, and I'm a weak woman when it comes to stubble, so enjoy)

Mako hadn't really been paying attention to appearance changes in Jamison. Well, except for that time he decided to shave his eyebrows for a Halloween costume (and proceeded to whine and complain about it for about a month). Jamie's extravagant personality would distract Mako from his looks. That, and having to keep his ass from getting killed by cops, bounty hunters, or by his own creations.

So when Jamie had fallen asleep while leaning against him, Mako felt something scratch at his skin. He looked over at his employer and, sure enough, he had some stubble on his face.

He hadn't noticed it very well, given how light Jamie's hair is and how light the stubble happens to be against his skin, but upon closer inspection, Jamie actually looked really adorable with stubble. But heaven forbid he ever told Jamie that. He'd never hear the end of it. That, or Jamie would shave, which somehow was worse than him teasing Mako about how he was adorable.

Jamie mumbled in his sleep and tried to get more comfortable, which resulted in his face scratching against Mako's arm. The sensation felt weird, but in a good way. It was still enough to make Mako laugh, however, which woke Jamie up.

"Ugh, wot time is it?" he groaned, his voice deep from sleep. Mako looked at him before glancing out the window.

"Noon, at least," the big guy told him. Jamie yawned, stretching his arms up.

"Why'd ya wake me up, mate? I was havin' a lovely dream!" Mako looked at him, glaring at him through his mask.

"You made me wake you up. Your face kept scratching my arm." Jamie cocked his head.

"What's wrong with me face? Somethin' on it?" Jamie rubbed his face with his hand, stopping when he touched the stubble. "Oh... Well, a lil' stubble ain't necessarily a bad thing, mate! 'Sides, who's to say you ain't got any?"

Mako stared at him. "Of course I have some, boss, but-"

"Well then let's see it, mate!" Jamie grinned, looking up at him with hopeful eyes.

Fuck his cute, adorable, stubble face.

Mako sighed and unclasped his mask, taking it off and looking at Jamie. "Happy?"

Jamie didn't answer him. He was absolutely in awe of Mako's face. How in the literal fuck could someone who could kill you with just one hand be so damn handsome?

"Boss, you're drooling," Mako said, and Jamie immediately wiped his mouth.

"Oops. Sorry, mate," he said sheepishly, laughing a little. "Jus' that... You actually look handsome under the mask!" He grinned. "How come you 'aven't told me you were handsome?"

Mako couldn't stop the blush that spread across his face. Someone actually found him handsome? And that someone had to be somebody who's so adorable it was illegal!

"Roadie, yer starin'," Jamie told him, giggling a bit. "I know I'm not much of a looker, but you starin' is a bit-"

"You're adorable," Mako said before he could stop himself. Now it was Jamie's turn to stare at Mako.

"You... You actually think I'm adorable?" he asked, cocking his head. Mako shook his head.

"I don't think you're adorable. I know you are." Jamie blushed brightly.

"Psh! I ain't adorable, you are!" Mako laughed softly and patted Jamie's head.

"Go back to sleep, boss." Jamie pouted.

"Aw, come on! It ain't gonna kill me to stay up longer! Plus, I don't want ya wakin' me up again 'cause I tickled ya." He giggled, and Mako rolled his eyes.

"I'll throw away your bombs and won't get you anymore milk tea-"

"Okay, read ya loud 'n clear, g'night!" Jamie immediately leaned against Mako again and closed his eyes, trying to go back to sleep. Mako smiled and wrapped an arm around the small junker, pulling him closer.

"Sweet dreams, boss."

"Mm, yeah yeah," Jamie mumbled, smiling and falling asleep.

(A/N: I told myself I'd release a smutty chapter today. I instead write a fluffy chapter...
I started writing this at like one in the morning and only just now finished it ;^;
but anyways... those Halloween skins though, amiright? c: )

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