Chapter 19- Why Can't He Just Understand?

Start from the beginning

Let's just keep this a secret for a little longer, she must've still been shocked by what happened to her.

We both took our seats well, her seat since I moved to Harry and Zayn's place a few months ago.

I looked back to Harry and Zayn's seat and Harry was obviously keeping a straight face.

Dammit, he's angry.

Mr. Smith got into class a few minutes after and we all greeted him.

He looked around, fumbling with his tie and his eyes widened, "Ella! You're back from your vacation?"

I looked towards Ella and she nodded at him.

"Well, that's great! And um... Since Taylor here,"


"Has been in a group with Harry and Zayn, she will no longer be your lab partner."

Wait, what?

Ella looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

No, it's too soon.

I have her my most clueless expression I could ever give and then Mr Smith spoke, "Taylor, switch seats with Harry, if you may."

Wait, what?

I'm not gonna sit with Harry?

Oh no.

Unwillingly, I grabbed my bag from the table and walked towards the table behind, passing Harry but pretended I didn't know him well since Ella must've been watching.

I could already feel Ella blushing or freaking out internally over this, her sitting with my boyfriend.

I sat next to Zayn and gave him a small nod.

"Hey." I greeted and he frowned at Ella.

"Who's that?" He asked.

"Ella." I replied and Zayn looked at me wide-eyed.

"She's back?" Zayn whisper-yelled.

I nodded.

"Does she know yet?"

I shook my head as I looked towards Harry and Ella.

I could see Ella blushing hard and tugging her hair behind her ear continuously but somehow Harry showed no interest at all.

If only she knew.

Mr Smith passed us our assignment and me and Zayn began working on it but my eyes seemed to not be able to leave Harry and Ella.

Ella was leaning towards him but I could tell Harry was backing away from her, still, I could feel the jealousy in me.

"Woah woah woah!" Zayn shouted suddenly and when I looked back at the tube I've been holding, bubbles were dripping down my hand.

I screamed and Zayn quickly snatched the tube away from me and placed it on the holder as he ran his hands through my shirt, wiping it off.

"My god, Taylor." He called out as I felt all eyes on me.

Reacting, I quickly looked towards Harry and there he sat, sending me death glares and Ella was just staring at us wide-eyed.

I looked back at Zayn and I could feel my eyes watering, I could've sworn my period just ended.

Holding my breath, I whispered, "I'm sorry, I gotta go to the bathroom."

And with that I ran out of the lab towards the bathroom.

I placed my hand tight around the sink and stared at myself in the mirror.

What now?

How am I supposed to tell Ella all this?

And Harry... He just doesn't understand how much Ella meant to me.

She's my best friend.

Is this considered... Cheating?

I twisted the tap open and started cleaning myself up. If the only way to fix it was to tell Ella the truth, I would.

I was gonna tell her alright.

And no, you can't stop me anymore, heart.




PS. I'm answering the questions on the next chapter 💖 Better ask more questions (on the previous chapter!)

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Sparks [Haylor AU] (Taylor Swift // Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now