Chapter 8- Hallway

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Chapter 8- Hallway

"You?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

I froze.

I couldn't speak. I didn't know why. But it was horrible.

"You're the girl from that night."

Still nothing. Couldn't say anything.

I didn't know what to say. I'd say I wasn't her but he'd ask me where's Ella and I didn't know. Or he wouldn't even trust me, Ella and I are so similar. Or he'd just think I stole it and murdered her.

I slowly stood up and he seemed to be following my actions.

Okay, Taylor, when he blinks, start running for your life and DON'T LOOK BACK.

He wasn't blinking.

Cmon blink!

Whatever, just run.

I started running for my life out of his room through the huge mansion.

It was complicating.

I ran down the stairs, then up again, opening doors and walking into rooms, not to mention he was chasing right behind me.

Then I was tired.

I stopped and finally gave in.

This was it, just tell him the truth Taylor.

I turned around and I guess too suddenly that he didn't get to stop in time so he almost crashed into me but we were just mere inches from each other.

I backed away a few steps and fixed my shirt a little while taking a deep breath.

Then I said it. "Okay. I'm not who you're looking for."

"What?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not her." I said, emphasizing the word 'her'.

"If you're not her how'd you even have this?" He asked, pointing at the shoe on my hand with his other half of the pair on his hand.

"It's complicated." I said truthfully.

"So where is she?"


"What?!" He shouted as his voice echoed through the empty hallway of his huge "home".

"I don't know where she is either. She just... Disappeared after that night. No one knew what happened. She was my best friend and only friend yet she just disappeared." I confessed, feeling tears already forming in my eyes.

I was hurt. The police said it was not possible to be a kidnap for money since her mother hasn't receive a threat, it couldn't be a runaway either since she didn't bring anything with her, so she'd either just have... Magically poofed to Antarctica or just... Died.

"You're kidding, right?" Harry asked raising an eyebrow as if what I said was nonsense.

I frowned and shook my head. "No! Why would I lie?!"

Sparks [Haylor AU] (Taylor Swift // Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now