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30. | chapter thirty

❝moira mactaggert

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moira mactaggert.


Charles, Alex and Lydia made their way into the Central Intelligence Agency where they would find Moira MacTaggert. Alex wanted to tag along because he had nothing better to do and Lydia wanted to get away from all of the screaming children for a bit, so she appointed Hank as Avery's baby sitter, not that the two were complaining because he loved Avery's company and Avery loved to mess around in Hank's lab.

"So you really haven't seen her in all these years?" Alex asked Charles. "You never looked her up? Not even in Cerebro?"

Charles chuckled. "Alex! What do you take me for, some kind of pervert?"

Lydia gave Alex a knowing look. "He so did."

"I-yes, I looked her up once....twice," Charles said. "But not in a long time, alright?"

"Hmm, keep telling yourself that," Lydia smirked.

"How did you leave things? Any hard feelings?" Alex asked.

"Not likely," Charles said as they walked into the main office. "Everybody take a break." Everyone in the room froze. "I wiped her mind of all memories of us. The beach, Cuba....that whole time. It was so long ago, Alex. Before the world knew about mutants. I felt it was the best thing for her."

"And for you?" Alex asked.

"It didn't really matter what was best for me," Charles said.

"Your happiness means everything, Charles. If she made you happy you should've stayed with her," Lydia smiled down at him.

Lydia knocked on her office door and then proceeded to open it. Charles wheeled himself in first. "Moira MacTaggert, hello!" His eyes instantly lit up at the sight of her. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Professor—"

"Charles Xavier," Moira butted in. "I know exactly who you are."

"You do?" Charles asked.

Lydia turned to face Alex. "Fan girl," she whispered and he nodded in understanding.

"Of course, I do. I have read all of your papers. It's a pleasure to finally meet you," Moira stood up to shake Charles' hand. She then turned to Alex. "Moira MacTaggert." They shook hands.

"Alex Summers," Alex smiled.

Moira then turned to Lydia and her eyes immediately widened. "Lydia Xavier?"

Lydia smiled slightly and nodded. "Yes, that'd be me."

"I'm a fan of yours! I saw what you did for the world—saw you help save the president and the future for your kind. It's truly an honour to meet you," Moira smiled at Lydia as she shook her hand. Lydia glanced down at Charles and raised her eyebrows in a teasing matter. "Please, have a seat." Alex and Lydia sat down on the two seats.

"It's wonderful to see you again. To-to meet you again, for the-the first time. You've got a son?" Charles eyes looked up at her photos.

Lydia glanced up at Alex and shook her head. "This guy," she telepathically said to him.

"Yes," Moira frowned at him.

"Does he have a husband?" Lydia coughed to hide her laugh. "I-do you have a husband?"

"Ah, I had a husband but it's hard to do this job and make it home in time for dinner."

The smile on Charles' face grew but he nodded in understanding. "Good, good."

"What the fuck am I going to do with you?" Lydia asked in Charles' head but he didn't reply.

"We all make choices, right?" Moira pulled on a pained smile.

"Yes, we do," Charles agreed.

"Professor," Alex butted in.

"Yes?" Alex gave him a look. "Yes." Charles looked back at Moira. "I was-we were hoping that you would tell us about what happened yesterday in Egypt."

"I'm afraid that's classified information," Moira said. "And, I don't mean to be rude, but how did you get in here?"

"I have level-five clearance," Charles smirked.

"To anywhere," Lydia said. Moira looked at Lydia and she tapped her forehead. "You know, the good thing about being telepathic is the ability to read minds and to know about someone within seconds. We can also make you do whatever we want. So, you might as well just tell us what happened in Egypt."

Moira looked at all three of them before taking out a folder and placing it onto her desk. "Ever since the world found out about mutants in '73 there have been cults who see them as some kind of Second Coming or sign of god. I was tracking one of them." Moira opened up the folder and brought out pictures. "They call themselves, Ashir En Sabah Nur, named after an ancient being they believe to be the world's first."

"World's first what?" Alex asked.

"Mutant, keep up," Lydia elbowed him.

"I thought mutants didn't evolve until this century," Alex said.

"That's the common theory, yes, but these guys believe that the first mutant was born tens of thousands of years ago. And they believe he will rise again." Moira placed a picture down which looked to be from Egypt. "They've been searching ancient sites all around the world for clues. These hieroglyphs describe a specific set of powers greater than any man could possess."

"They think he lived all that time?" Charles asked.

"Yes and no," Moira shook her head. "They believe he had the ability to transfer his consciousness from body to body. And whenever he was close to death he would just take on a new body. Some of these may have been the bodies of mutants enabling him to take their powers amassing various abilities over the years."

"An all-powerful mutant," Lydia said.

"Exactly. And wherever this being was, he always had four principle followers. Disciples. Protectors he would imbue with powers."

"Like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," Alex looked at Charles and Lydia. "He got that one from the bible."

"Or the bible got it from him," Moira shrugged. "And wherever he ruled, eventually, it would end in disaster. Cataclysm. Some kind of..." she nodded towards Alex, "Apocalypse."

"The end of the world," Charles said and Lydia instantly thought back to Jean's nightmares. What if she hadn't been having nightmares, but was just seeing the future?

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