Signs He Likes You More Than A Friend, Maybe

Start from the beginning

He always wants to make body contact.

When you crack a joke and pat his back gently, he will always respond by patting back gently or make any body contact. This is because body contact is one of the greatest ways to express emotions. He will always want to explain a point by touching you. Every time you meet he will come ready for a hug rather than just a normal greeting. He feels great when you gently rub his forearm and does not show any signs of hostility rather responds positively.

He is always imitating you.

You will realize a sudden change in his behavior such that he starts liking what you like. He laughs at the same jokes you laugh at and even listens to the same music you listen to. He will always tell you what happened in the series you like watching. He is simply showing that you are his perfect match for him. He probably wears a shirt which has your best color so that you get to comment on it and he gets a chance to talk you.

He teases you gently.

This guy will always tease in a friendly or rather romantic manner just to show you that he is not always serious with life. He will crack jokes that will make you laugh and feel relaxed. He wants you to feel secure where you are. He identifies things that make you laugh and will revolve his teases around there to make you happy. He will send you funny jokes on social media or tease you on something you fear just to show that they are aware of your personality.

He is the guy who notices a change in your appearance first.

When you get a new dress he will be the first one to tell you that you look nice in the dress. He will comment on your new hairstyle in a positive manner and give a suggestion of even making it look more attractive. He is the guy who will ask what happened to you when you show up in class with a bandage on your hand. In short he has mastered your look and will notice the slightest change on you and becomes concerned.

He chats with you on social media.

This the guy who cannot see you online social media and miss to say hi. He will strike a conversation with your over the internet even when you are seated right with him. He will comment on your photos and tell they are cute. He cannot just get enough of talking to you. He chats with you at midnight even when you are sure he has an exam tomorrow early in the morning. He is willing to sacrifice his revision just to have that pleasure of talking to you.

Check his eye contact while you are having a conversion.

He wants you to know that he is concentrating on whatever you are saying so he will try as much as possible to maintain eye contact. However he is not so consistent with the eye contact because he is nervous at the same time. He looks at you direct to the eyes and shows signs of admiring you. When you talk to him when he is busy, he first stops what he's doing just to have that eye contact. You clearly have his all attention any time.

He treasures the gifts you give him.

He keeps s all the gifts you give him no matter how small and petty they are. He probably would never let anyone have the gift for the fear that it will get lost or tampered with. That gift is the only tangible feeling of your presence when you are not around. He will keep reminding you that he loves the gift you bought him. He will tell you how perfect the gift even though it is small. He is that guy who appreciates the smallest thing you do for him.

Check the change in his tone when he talks to you.

He does not talk to you with that tone he uses with his friends or other ladies. He changes into a softer and romantic voice when you talk to him. Consider his tone over the phone with you. He tries to sound as much as possible relaxed and composed. He sounds polite even if he is the type of guy who rarely does that in the normal setting. He simply is trying to show you that you are special.

He buys you gifts always.

He is the guy who is always looking for an avenue to make you happy. He will therefore do this by buying you even the smallest gift ever as long as he knows that you will love it. He will surprise you with something you like or secretly drop it in your bag. The gifts he buys are accurate according to your likes and dislikes and you probably love them. All he is interested is making you happy.

He is always a gentleman around you.

He always behaves a cool guy around you. He will pick your pen when it falls down even when you were the one closest to it than him. He is the guy who wants to help you with most of your things. He is willing to do your homework for you and even explain to you later. He wants you to realize that you will always be comfortable around him. He is the one who remind you that you were to attend a certain occasion even when you had not forgotten.

Goes through your profile always.

You can catch him looking at your profile picture on his phone or he has even probably downloaded it. He admires it late night always when he is fantasizing how beautiful you are. This is the guy who is into you. Admiring your picture is not something bad all guys do that. Guys are moved by sight even before touch.

He is that guy who wants to hear what other people say about you.

He is always interested on conversations that revolve around you not in negative way but just wants to hear what other guys say about you. He wants to know who is also attracted towards and see if they are a potential threat. He will probably ask his friends what they think about you. He is also in knowing more about including things that irritate you and those that make you happy.  

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