Chapter 74: Party Animals

Start from the beginning

He blinked, then raised an eyebrow before looking at the dress. 

"Speak for yourself," he said, giving her a small, halfhearted smile. "Your look pretty tonight."

To his surprise, her shoulders stiffened and she blushed, instantly looking up at the trees.

Lifting a hand and scratching her nose, she turned her eyes back on him with a flustered nod.

"I-I thank you for the praise, V-Vadil," she stammered, deep voice coming out almost an octave higher than usual; next to him, Bonks giggled again and nudged him with an elbow. "I am here to ask about your strange music crystals. I mentioned it in passing to the bards, and now they desire to hear the alluring magic you can conjure."

"Eh?!" Bonks gasped, leaning forward and peering at him. "You have such an ability?!"

Xaphile winced when heads all over the place turned and looked right at them.

"I lost the crystals when I fought the salamander," he explained, claws drumming nervously on his thighs when he noticed all of the expectant eyes on him. "I'm afraid I might not be able to."

Krishna let out a bright laugh. 

"You have been given one made of Salamander Bone," she said, then paused. "You did bring it, yes?"

For once, Xaphile was seriously grateful to Ella. He pulled the sparkling red crystal out of a pocket on the breeches and held it up, peering at it closely.

"I do," he allowed, meeting her eyes again, "but are you sure my music is such a good idea?"

"Of course!" Krishna exclaimed, then looked at the guys. "Do you desire to see our fellow Darkling's special magic?! It is truly an amazing experience! It melts across the ears like honey does in your mouth!"

"I desire to see it!" Bonks instantly squeaked, waving his arms. "Show us your magic!"

"I am curious," Kesh added, then glanced at their other brothers. "What do you think?"

"It seems like a rather interesting opportunity," Obi noted, smirking. "At the very least, if he does well, he'll likely have any number of females wanting his attention later this evening."

He waggled his graceful eyebrows, but Xaphile merely sulked a little.

"Fine," he muttered. "I'll do it."

"Wonderful!" Krishna yowled, bending down and jerking him upright. "Let us go!"

She dragged him across the clearing, then turned to the crowd, and the music already playing died down.

"Kith of my kin!" the squirrel-riding warrior exclaimed, happily spreading her arms. "Tonight is a glorious celebration to honor this year's young Vadilie and their ascension into adulthood! And as it may be, once such champion happens to be a darkling from a clan far to the south! He wishes to show us a very unique form of magic that can conjure incredible music!"

An unexpected roar that came from everyone in the crowd filled the air, but when fists pumped skyward, Xaphile blinked rapidly, ears pulling down towards his shoulders.

Sinking down to his knees and getting himself comfortable, he held the crystal with tight fingers.

Hesitantly, since it was only the third time he had ever attempted to pull music from his soul without an instrument to guide him, he settled on the ground, breathed deep, and slipped into theta.

With an intense amount of focus, he sent his will into the salamander's crystal ball, but to his surprise, it required so little effort that his entire being felt... strangely calm.

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