Chapter 2: The Cold

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Thank you to everyone who's read so far!! I appreciate all your views and feedback!! So without further ado, here's the second chapter!!

Year: 2012


          I was going to die, I was sure of it. It seemed so sad that death would choose to take me at the young age of 21, with only two legal drinks to my name, but clearly my time was now. Perhaps Jesus was upset with me for some reason, and that's why he decided that this had to happen. Was it because I cut that car off from getting in the parking spot, so I wouldn't be late for class? Or maybe it was that slick comment I made to my Mama on the phone the other day. The possibilities were endless. Out of nowhere, I started to hear a labored breath come from my room, almost blending seamlessly with the mechanical whirring of my ceiling fan, and I froze. Oh no, it was time. I wasn't ready yet. The breaths seemed to get louder as my panic grew, and I attempted to move to escape, but the aches going through my body prevented me from doing so. Well, this was it. My end was now. I could even feel my chest about to exp—"A-choo!!" I groaned loudly, and hit my comforter cladded mattress in frustration. I absolutely loathed being sick. 

     What made matters worse, is that I had to suffer through this with no one but my friends to "comfort" me, and in our college apartment. One of the drawbacks that came with being away from the luxuries of home. I sighed, the sound really coming out like a hoarse croak, and stretched my arm out to grab my phone from my desk chair, removing the USB cord in the process. Tapping the screen with my thumb, I could see that it was 10:45am, so I knew I had the whole day ahead of me. Fortunately it was Saturday, so I wouldn't have to leave the house for class. The way I felt though, I wouldn't be leaving the house for anything. Somehow I managed to drag myself out of my bed, despite my body feeling like I was in a four-car accident the night before. Dizziness hit me, as I stood to my feet, and I grabbed hold of the corner of my dresser to gain some balance.

       Once my head stopped spinning, I finished the rest of the distance to my bathroom, and immediately bent over to turn the knobs to the shower. The sprinkling sound of the water hitting the porcelain tub filled the room, and the steam garnered from its temperature joined it. Conveniently I was already naked, since I always sleep in the nude, so I just stepped in, and let the warm beads soothe my body. Whenever I'd gotten sick in the past, or was in a mood about something, I always turned to a nice hot shower to help me through it. I don't know what it was exactly, but I always found it therapeutic, allowing me to escape to the corners of my mind, and do some deep reflection. Usually I found myself thinking about the typical things. Graduation, my possible future career, etc. Lately, however, my thoughts seemed to revolve around my annoying light skinned roommate. I tipped my head back some, letting the water massage my scalp, as I stared at the fog covered ceiling in thought.

     Ever since our freshman year, there was always something about Aaron that just kept my mind boggled. I didn't know what it was. In all aspects, Aaron and I shouldn't even be friends. After all, he was the reason behind the big fight between me and Quez, Shaniqua's then boyfriend. Just thinking about the memory was causing that sick feeling of anxiety and anger to arise in the pit of my stomach, so I quelled it instantly. I buried my face in my hands, attempting to bring myself back to the present. Even after all that, I still forgave him. Ironically enough, I felt like that forgiveness set the tone for our relationship. Aaron and I got even closer post-fight, and ever since we've had a strange, but close friendship. I wasn't too sure, it's always been hard for me to look at certain things in my life from an outside perspective, but it seemed like we had gotten even closer these last few months. What was even weirder was...I kinda liked it.

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