Chapter 30: All is Fair... (IV)

Start from the beginning

"You heard the man, grab a squishy power source and let's go!" Carter said as he pats one of the Zapfish.

They all go right while Jared makes a bunch of noise and leads the Octoweapons left. They can't help but feel a little concerned for him, especially Amethyst but they just don't question it and believes he'll make it out too.

"Heh perfect. Octavio I'm coming for you." He said with a sinister tone as he gets his attention.

"Huh what now?? Ow..." He said with pain throughout his body from his encounters with Cuttlefish and Lil D. "Oh no not you again.. I don't have time for this." He continues going down across a few catwalk platforms.

"I'll make you wish you were never born." The Octonozzle shoots his back and he turns around very menacingly, he then pulls out an Inkzooka can and shoots it's weak-point instantly destroying it and freeing one of the zapfish. "Heh now, your next." He said to the Octowhirl while looking even angrier.

He uses a Super Seeker and swims along it's ink trail behind it, then he sprays ink all over him making it stuck and reveals it's weak-point. "Die die die die DIE DIE DIE!!!!" He wickedly shoots it multiple times until it is finally no more. He forcefully grabs the next Zapfish and heads straight for Octavio.

Meanwhile on the 'roof' of the mech, the water level has risen pretty high and the three look for a way down.

"Um i think we went out the wrong door."

"Who cares at least we have fresh air.. but what do we do now?"

"...Jump." Carter said as he hops off first and the others follow behind him.

"Now what?"
"We hopefully fly near the ice."
"And what if the force of us breaks it?"
"...... then scream."

They all scream for about two seconds until Valeria and a squadron of inklings show up with a sponge device, they shoot it with ink it and it expands, giving them a soft safe landing.

"Wow you guys showed up just in time.. wait you've been here the whole time??"

"No we've been around the city fighting like usual." Valeria spoke for the first time, she had a pretty soft spoken voice and a Spanish accent to boot. "We just saw that thing tumble over and came quick."

"Whoa never heard you talk before." Carter said as he slightly blushes. "Uh ahem anyways thanks for being here, but Jared is still inside."

"Eh i hope he makes it out ok. There's only a few minutes left."

"He'll be fine, he's a strong kid." Cuttlefish arrives to give them a wink.

Meanwhile back in the almost sunken mech, Octavio runs into a dead end and Jared appears right behind him. He seems petrified with fear at the thought that Jared may kill him but he tries to talk his way out of this situation.

"Um now kid, you and i both know you don't really wanna hurt me hehe." Octavio then gets shot in one of his tentacles. "OWWWWW OWIE OW! Okay! I see you're serious."

"I'm tired of you bossing these Octarians around and getting away with everything that was ALL YOUR FAULT! if it weren't for your dictatorship non of this would be happening!!!"

"I-I know.. and i just wanted to say I'm sorry, please forgive me! I'll never do it again!"

"I know your lying!" Jared holds his L-Nozzlenose directly at his quivering forehead.

"Kid i..i i know it's not like you to kill someone please, your a nice person! Do you really think i deserve it!? I have a sick grandma octo, and and kids and a wife and stuff.. PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU!"

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