Chapter 29: Blood that Stains (III)

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In the couple of days into the Second Great Turf War the Octarians have been on the verge of winning multiple times. The Inklings are finally retaliating and taking the fight into their Octopus water mech, hopefully it'll go well but only time will tell. Octavio is now in the control room viewing Inkopolis from the distance.

"Hehehe the city looks so puny from here." Octavio said while rubbing his tentacles together in a malice way. "It's the perfect moment to wipe out those pathetic inklings. Strange, it seems like more are fighting now. Eh no matter, they don't pose a threat."

"Uhm, sir, i hate to interrupt you're moment but we've got some good news and some bad news." An Octotrooper enters the control room.

"What is it?"

"We'll the good news is we've taken most sectors of Inkopolis Plaza... the bad news is four intruders have been spotted in the lower section of the stronghold."

"WHAT??? Grr i think i know who those runts are. Activate all of the inner defenses and send in my Elite Octoling team!"

"Uhh, sir, we haven't heard from Karl's squad at all.."

"UNACCEPTABLE!! WHERE ARE THOSE TURDS!!" Octavio pauses for a second to regain his cool composure. "Fine then, Lil D, go dubstep those punks. That's an order!"

"Sure thing." Lil D said with a mellow tone and he leaves the room in a flash.

Meanwhile Jared, Amethyst, Xavier, and Carter, recap their plan to take this machine out.

"Alright we're in." Jared says in a deep spy voice while Xavier insists he shuts up. "Summer and the gang says we'll have to take care of this while they get back to helping the others."

"So where should we go first?" Carter said as he thoroughly looks around the place. "This is much bigger than i thought! It's like you can fit four Piranha Pits in here!"

"Alright guys here's what we're gonna do. We have to split up to cover more ground, me and Carter will destroy the main power source of this place as well as finding Thomas. While Amethyst and Xavier free the people who are potentially captured. Deal?"

"Sounds like a plan."
"No problem!"
"Wait, urchin, who gets first crack at Octavio?"

"Oh yeah, you two can do that also. Once everyone is done we meet up back at this hole and leave as a group, if we're really late then... come get us i guess!"

Xavier actually likes what Jared came up with for once. The two teams now disband while giving a good luck to each other. 

Jared and Carter head down one corridor. Jared watched and wondered how the Octarians could make such machines, they're an incredibly smart race.

"Hm it's awfully quiet in this place. Where is everyone?" Carter questioned as they continue to run.

"Maybe it's their snack break?" An ear-piercing alarm goes off around the whole place and a few Octarian troops flood the halls. Jared and Carter proceed to fight them back and they successfully defeat them all.

"Huh that wasn't as hard as I thought." Jared said while a tiny bit exhausted.

"Yeah it was only a few though. C'mon let's keep going."

"I can't wait to find Thomas though, I'm just still shook he would turn on us."

"What happens, happens. If he wants to fight with the Octarians then that's his deal, never trusted him anyway. Don't be so obsessed with him also."

"I'm not i just.. feel really disgusted ya know, like i wanna get him back for-"

Carter stops and Jared bumps into him. They both notice a very large door with an Octarian logo on it.

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