For being as well dressed and going into such a respectable field, I was surprised she swore that much. Not that there wasn't anything wrong with that, it just threw me off guard slightly. Alaya sighed and out her coffee cup on the table, glancing over at me as she did so.

"Who's she?" She inquired while tilting her head partially to the left.

"This is Lucia. Lucia, this is Ms. Claymore." Levi introduced my undercover name.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Claymore." I replied as happily and as pleased as I could.

"Likewise." She reached her hand across the polished table to shake mine, I myself repeating her action.

"So is your boss really that terrible?" Levi inquired again on the subject.

"Yeah, I told you already how much of a pain in the ass he can be. Drives me crazy. Sometimes I wish I could just shoot him or something."

Her last sentence placed her higher on our suspect list for the sniper case. Although she probably has a hand gun, there is a slight possibility that she does have a long range weapon.

"Really? He drives you that insane?" He asked with a fake surprise. "My friend here drives me about that nuts."

"Excuse me!?" My voice squeaked. I couldn't help but feel a little irritated. If I was driving him so crazy to the point where he would confided shooting me, why didn't he say something!?

"What?" He said with irritation. "You do from time to time."

"Time to time!?" I took a deep breath to calm myself down before getting even more agitated with him.

"So how close are you too?" Alaya asked in a teasing tone.

"What do you mean?" Levi asked with absolute confusion.

"Like, how close are you? Ya know, you two obviously have known each other for a while I think, so how close are you two? You dating or something?"

Dating...? Us...? No way! I felt my cheeks fluster and I averted eye contact.

"No, we're not." Levi coldly replied. I glanced over and saw a very slight blush. I could've mistaken it for the red cushion and I'm going crazy, but it could've been one!

"Are you sure?" She asked again in another teasing and almost pushy voice.

"Very. Now, who's your boss? I'm curious."

"If you planning on working for him, you should stop while you're ahead." Alaya began. "His name is Nathan Melsburg and he's a son of a bitch executive for a well known company, Exosin, that manufactures different types of medicine from pain killers to flu medicine. I thought that working there would help my get further with my medical degree, but I've just been a slave. I wanna quit so bad."

"So why don't you?" I couldn't help but ask.

"My adoptive family doesn't want me to leave the job. They threatened me that if I didn't get a steady job that I couldn't live at the house anymore. They don't pay my like they do my other damn siblings. They go out of their way to solve their problems, but when it comes to me it's like I don't exist. If they hate me so much, then why the hell did they even take me in the first place?"

"I don't think they hate you. They might just want to raise someone who's in dependent and actually successful in life."

"Yeah, well my other siblings besides one of my brothers are kinda successful. His name is Luke," she glanced over at Levi, "same as yours, and he works at a bank. My other brother Dameon is just a screw up. He's always been in the problematic crowd. When they first adopted me, he was part of a gang or something."

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