Chapter 21: Blizzard of Ink

Start from the beginning

"Yeah it gets like that every year, probably because of all the excess ink from your drains."

"DISGUSTING!" Amethyst yells while climbing on Cuttlefish's table, totally grossed out by the floor.

"Hehe im just pulling your shin, sweety." Cuttlefish then notices Lil D is here as well. "Ah! What brings you here? Its always a delight!"

"Thanks but i want to join them on this mission this time."

"Fantastic! The more the merrier, now ill see if i have any extra uniforms or hero weapons in the back for ya."

"No thanks, I don't need any of those upgrades."

"Ok then grandsonny, let me just give you the rundown for tonights mission. As you know after the huge invasion a couple weeks back the octarians have been rather quiet, taking the zapfishes back has gotten way easier. I need you four to gather the remaining zapfishes and investigate where the octolings have gone."

"Got any idea of where to look first?"

"The squid sisters say that might've seen an octoling or two headed up the mountain top." Cuttlefish shows them a picture they took.

"Ohhh so thats why it's called Octo Valley!" Jared replied as the others give him complete duh expressions.

"Uhhh anyways we're on it cap'n we'll be out before you say L-3 Nozzlenose." Jared tells him as the three of them suit up and look for a new entrance into Octo Valley.

"I think we've been through all of them."

"Not this one." Lil D points down at a hidden entrance and they fire at it, making it visible again.

"How'd you know that was right there?" Amethyst questioned him for a second.

"Just a gut feeling I suppose. Now lets get going."

The four of them head down the kettle into an octo valley amusement park. Lucky for them, no one was there. They walk around the place while looking confused and impressed.

"Whoaaa this place looks cool! Can't believe no ones out here."

"I can't believe people as cruel as the octarians have a fun and light-hearted place like this." Amethyst says.

"This just goes to show that even they have good in them."

"Jared why do you even try? They aren't just going to give up on petty revenge that happened over centuries ago yet they don't have the common sense to get over it and move on. Welcome to the 21st century."

"Well..yeah but~"

"Hey guys check this out." Lil D shows them a strange device on the ground and shoots ink at it. A line of ink comes out almost like a zip line. "This goes straight up the mountain. Maybe this'll lead us to where they're hiding."

"What is this!? It looks so cool!!"

"Its called an Inkrail. They mostly use it for transportation."

"Why doesn't inkopolis have these!? It would be so fun and chaotic in turf wars."

"So no ones gonna question how convenient this was?"

Amethyst points out as they all turn into their squid forms and ride the rail all the way up into the mountain as it gets incredibly colder the higher they go. They then get off, shivering really badly.

"Ugh i wish these suits we're thicker.."

"yeah that would've been nice but dont be such a baby squid."

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