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You passed through the group of bodies with difficulty, everyone laughing, dancing and just drinking where ever there was room in the cramped apartment. It was much nicer then your place by a long shot, with it's modern art and clean white furniture where as you had scrounged for your couch from the neighbors upstairs; a couch they had left behind because winning the lottery tended to allow one to buy fancier furniture.

But that's not what we're here for. You were just trying to get through the crowd without spilling your beers. Something that was becoming extremely difficult when you felt some guy get particularly hands-y with your ass. The jerk could have at the very least introduced himself to your cheeks before reaching second base. You made quick work of him though, bumping into him hard and watching him stumble away and start to grope someone else. Rude.

You made it to the far wall next to the hallway where your grumpy dog glared at anyone who dared thought to make any kind of casual conversation with him.

"Hey big guy," You greeted, hips bouncing to whatever club song the host had put on.

"Why are we here?" He huffed, looking bored out of his mind.

"It's New Years Eve! One must party on New Years," you said matter of factly.

"Why am I here?"

You grinned at his tone and handed him the beer, his whole demeanor perking up instantly. He drained the contents in one big gulp then squeezed the plastic cup in his hand.

"A little weak..."

You responded by blowing a party favor in his face, the paper unrolling and honking at him. He snatched the cheap toy out of your mouth and tossed it somewhere without a glance. You laughed at this then grabbed his arm with the intent of getting him into the middle of the room where people had deemed as the dance floor.

"Dance with me!"

Zoro looked reluctant, trying to pulled his arm free from your grip until you handed him the second drink. He complied then, grinning and letting you do as you pleased while he took smaller gulps this time. The wolf didn't so much as wiggle his hips while you danced to the music, merely drank his beer and watched you laugh and serenade him.

"Are you drunk already?" He asked with a head tilt.

"Haven't had one yet!" You shouted over the music, not caring how much of a weirdo you looked at the moment. You were too excited about midnight to care how you looked, this being the first New Years you would actually have someone to kiss; someone you actually liked anyways.

Zoro stared at you over the rim of the drink, hiding his grin now while he placed a hand on your hip. "If this is going to be a one sided dance, maybe I should just sit down?"

You stopped suddenly, the suggestion quickly forming as a picture in your head. Zoro would be sitting in some plush armchair with his arms folded across his chest while you strutted around him before placing hands on his shoulders and start to squeeze them. The fantasy went on to show you slowly climbing into the man's lap, him smirking at you while he placed his large hand on your hip and gave it a slow rub-

House Trained (Werewolf!Zoro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now