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"Welcome home, big guy!" You beamed, unlocking the door and gesturing inside the tiny apartment.

It was the only thing you could afford in the city at the moment, having only enough money to live in the cheapest, most basic place you could get your hands on. Right now you were so busy working on your History degree that you couldn't even afford a decent paying job.

The faucet in the tiny kitchen dripped, the carpet was worn, the walls were thin, the bathroom only big enough to fit a midget in at a time, and the bedroom that had no room for anything but the bed.

It was home.

You noticed your roommate look around the place with what looked like pity, this made you a bit defensive. "You're lucky I found you before I asked where the cats were." 

In all honesty, you had been going there to adopt a cat. They were small, took care of themselves, and deemed one worthy of affection when need be. No walks, no constant attention, and no need to have a yard.

Oh jeez. You forgot about the yard situation. It's kind of hard to have one when one lived on the third floor.

"I'll think of something...." You mused aloud while walking forward before any insects decided to move in as well. The dog didn't seem to care though, he just plopped down right in the middle of the doorway and yawned, looking as excited as a man going shoe shopping with his girlfriend.

You tugged slightly at his leash. "C-C'mon now! Inside!!"

His only response was a huff as he laid his large head on his paws and closed his eyes.

You tugged harder. "Inside!!"

Time for a different approach. This time you went behind the large mutt and started to push on his butt. This turned out to be a horrible idea considering you were now face down on the ground when the dog finally did move into the apartment. He didn't even turn back to look at you as he made his way to the old sofa and climbed on, creaking dangerously under his bulk.

"Jerk," you scowled as you got up and closed the door, brushing a hand over your sore chin.. "You're lucky my job doesn't require me to be this pretty all the time. A bruise on this piece of art would be a devastating blow to the community!"

He did that squeak yawn all dogs did and laid his head on his paw.


He hadn't done much since coming home. Just laid on the couch and occasionally open his good eye to watch you walk back and forth. You had gathered the supplies you needed to prepare his bath while also mentally thinking of names.

Of course, it was mostly a list of famous names from the past. You weren't a history buff for nothing.

"You're very stoic. Maybe someone who has presence? There are plenty of military types in history who are like that."

At this point you were talking to yourself, but you didn't mind considering he at least seemed to be listening.

"Alexander the Great, he kind of went out early. Napolean, not really all that short - but you're still probably bigger then he was. Constantine...I don't think you're a religious type."

You started counting your fingers as the bathtub filled with water and you sat on the edge. You could see the sofa from where you were and the dog who was watching you with a tired gaze.

"You don't look much like a Winston. Geronimo might work, it'd be fun to call for you." You grinned, "If I include fictional leaders, Arthur...Though, he was a bit of a dork. Maybe I should look at samurai, they always have neat names. Musashi, Oda Nobunaga, Hanzo."

The dog moved from the couch and made his way into the bathroom, placing his chin on the side of the tub and sniffing at the water and the soaps you poured in it. Taking this chance, you quickly closed the door with your foot before he could think twice about escaping. "Got ya, you slug."

He turned to the door, despite not having a way out. You swiftly wrapped your arms around his middle and lifted.

"Up!" You grinned as most of your strength was used to get the dog to stand on his hind legs. You both waddled to the tub and looking like penguins as you went; but you were just happy he didn't seem to be fighting this too much.

Which was good because he stank.

After a good wrestle, you managed to get the animal into the tub and quickly started to clean him; making sure to massage his head and back to show you were just helping him and not doing this as some kind of torture.

"That's it. It's not so bad, right?" You grinned at the annoyed looking animal and scrubbed at his fur before draining the dirty liquid then spraying him with clean water. Once that was done you dried him off with a towel and grinned even wider at how fluffy his fur had become. 

"You're starting to look good now!" He seemed to scowl, as if you had been insulting him all this time. "You're very soft. Very bushy."

Stopping suddenly, you blinked and stared at the dog. "Bushido~. You're just a bushy samurai!"

The look he gave you screamed 'You shall suffer a thousand deaths'.

"It's settled! My cute Bushido will be the talk of the complex~" You snickered. It wasn't a bad name, if you do say so yourself. You let Bushido move away as you opened the door, watching him walk out of the bathroom and shake his fur. Odd, he had an odd green tint to his dark fur. Was that normal? You heard of red and even blue tinted black hair, but green? Must be a strange dog breed thing. 

You grinned as he made his way back to the couch, obviously wanting to nap again. "Oh Bushido~!"

He looked back at you with mild curiosity before he noticed the object in your hand. Bushido suddenly looked ready to bolt when he noticed the red collar. You took a step forward and waved it happily.

"Red will be a great color-!!" He quickly skittered out of the living room and down the little hall, but you were already following the large dog with stubborn intent. "Get back here you slug!!"

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