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The figure looked up at the run down apartment building, eyes practically glowing from the shadows as he stared up at a particular door. The trail had brought him down from the mountains and to this place. Surely, the creature was hiding out here.

He hummed in thought, noting there were many innocents around and one most likely inside with the creature. He would have to plan accordingly so not to involve the civilian.

Patience. He will wait.


You woke up wearily, focus going from one band poster to another then to the window as sunlight shone through. You reached to the bedside table and felt around clumsily until you clutched your phone. Pressing the unlock button, you looked at the time through squinted eyes.

10:27 AM.

"Uggggggghhhhh," you groaned, letting your arm flop to the bed as you closed your eyes. You could sleep for a few more-

You sat up quickly and looked around, mouth open in shock. How the hell did you get to your room!? Last you checked you had been sleeping on the floor with Bushido.

As if on cue, the dog stretched next to your feet and weakly lifted his head to stare at you. He moved a little slow, but that was understandable considering his condition. But how did you get into your room? You don't remember getting up and moving in here...wait, was Bushido laying in bed with you? He always kept to the couch and had never came to your room before.

You moved forward, reaching out warily towards the large dog. He eyed your hand a little before butting his head against your palm, making you squeak.

"Soooo cute~!" You mewled, petting him with glee. He had never let you pet him, not unless you jumped him, but he was willingly coming to you! You enjoyed this moment of triumph for a few seconds before crawling forward.

"Okay, Bushido. I'm just going to check your stitches." You delicately moved some of his fur back to look at the wounds, noting none of them had reopened. That was good, you'd hate Jinbei's work to go to waste.

Oddly, some of the wounds were already scabbing over. Do dogs heal this fast? Surely not, but it's not like you were a vet. You moved closer and checked the biggest stitch of all, the one going from his right hip bone all the way to his left shoulder.

"That one will definitely scar," You frowned, wondering what exactly had happened to Bushido during his disappearance. 

What if he had been picked up by dog fighters? I mean, it would explain quite a bit. But what kind of depraved person cut up a dog like this? Rage seemed to boil inside you at the thought. If you ever met these people, you were sure to give their heads a beating with your bat. You didn't know how to fight, but you were a scrapper and everyone knows that scrappers fight dirty and they fight mean.

Bushido ran his tongue over your hand, startling you out of your rage filled thoughts. He looked up at you tiredly before placing his large paw on your arm. You looked confused until he did it again with a demanding look that made you laugh.

House Trained (Werewolf!Zoro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now