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This was beyond humiliating.

He'd spent most his life on his own. Surviving, hunting, killing even. His kind had it hard in their world; technology ready to out all of them at any moment. They had to be clever and strong or die. They had come so far and survived so long, a proud and noble race that could be merciless and destroy at the drop of a hat.

But he was going for 'walkies'.

'Bushido' looked back at the human female who was muttering to herself with a stupid grin on her face.

"Why yes, he's mine. Isn't he handsome?" You cooed, talking to no one in particular. You looked to the left as if someone had asked you a question, "Yes. He's quite big, but very sweet~."

Clearly, this woman was an idiot.

He huffed and glared at anything that came into view as you both trotted through the park, his damn red collar feeling like a weight on his neck. It had taken a good while of wrestling before you had finally managed to slip the damned thing on his neck and another good hour to get him to come near you after the struggle. He glared and growled every time you had come within ten feet of him, but after you fed him an apology meal (cooked beef - since he refused to eat the dog food after hours of it being out), everything had calmed down.

The wolf might have forgiven you if you hadn't did a slight of hand and hooked him up to a leash and dragged him outside the next day to the sketchy-ass park a block away. Seriously, he could probably spot a drug deal or two near the park's fountain if he watched long enough.

"His name is Bushido and he's made of pure love." You squealed softly, determined to practice your pet owner conversations you were sure to have.

"Excuse me miss, do you know what time-"

"Isn't my dog the best looking guy around?" You beamed, interrupting the poor stranger.

"I, uh, well. Sure? But what-"

You puffed up proudly, stars practically twinkling in your eyes as you spoke. You may have only had Bushido for one day so far, but you had grown pretty attached. "He's smart, fluffy, and can totally beat up your dog-"

The man quickly walked away, eyeing you warily as he continued on his path to find a person who didn't ramble about their pets.

Frowning, you placed a hand over your moth and closed your eyes dramatically, "No one understands us, Bushido."

'I don't understand you.' The mutt scowled.

'Bushido' had come to realize what kind of person you were in just a few short hours of being in your care. You were loud, rash, stubborn, and a complete moron. If he could talk right now, he would tell you all those things to your face without flinching. He didn't care, he was just so angry for getting into this predicament.

House Trained (Werewolf!Zoro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now