One Big Happy Family

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"Well, maybe if you marry me.."

"Put a ring on it then but before that, stop being so jealous." Calum met Mike not long after that. Their relationship was a bit rocky at first but eventually, they started to become closer friends than Mike and I were and I could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hey, return back from Lala Land, Lily." I glanced up at Mike as he shouldered his backpack. "Teach is letting us go." I smiled and stood up with him.

"Awesome. You can take me back to my place right?" I asked, elbowing him in the ribs.

"Not unless you're nice to me."

"You're never nice to me so why should I return the favor?"

"What's the line about being the bigger person?" Mike asked, pretending to be thoughtful as he tapped his chin. I laughed and shoved him a little.

"You're the bigger person here."

"Only in height Little Lily." I groaned.

"I really hate that damn nickname."

"Hey, just as soon as you let mine die, I'll let yours die." Smiling slowly, I shook my head.

"Fat chance Mike and Ike. I can live through Little Lily but every time I call you Mike and Ike, a piece of your soul dies." Mike grabbed at his chest, hand over the spot where his heart would be.

"Why do you have to hurt me so?" Laughing, the two of us headed to the parking lot.


"Damn, are you buying enough food for a small army." I rolled my eyes at Mike as I dropped four boxes of Calum's favorite cereal into the basket.

"I live with two boys so, kind of." Mike grabbed some off brand cereal and placed it with my stuff as I made a face at him.

"What? I'm gonna buy food too."

"Then you should have gotten your own cart or something." I scolded.

"But then I have to push it around and I'm not getting that much stuff."

"There are also baskets you know." I said, shaking mine before pulling out his brand of cereal and putting it back in his arms. "I'm not carrying your stuff Mike."

"Why do you do this to me Lil?" I laughed as we headed into the next aisle. "Does Calum get sick of that, you scolding him like a child?" I hit Mike's chest as he laughed.

"I do not scold my boyfriend. I only scold you because you act like a child instead of a mature adult."

"I'll never be mature. You know that." I sighed because I did know that.

"What is your future wife gonna do with you?" I asked him. Mike shrugged.

"She's going to have to be very understanding." I rolled my eyes at him, grabbing a carton of milk. "You know, you're the one that should have gotten a cart. How many things are you gonna buy?" I hit his arm.

"Shut up and not that much, I'll come back tomorrow too with Ella. She always gets a cart."

"What do you have against carts again?"

Rule Three// c.hOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora