"The recuitment"

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Chapter three
"Change of personality".
January 19th, 1938.
I woke up in a really comfy bed, I looked around saw a table with a lot of money and I saw myself in the mirror with fancy clothe. I got out of the room and took a look around, "Looks like I'm in a hotel with a lot of money and fancy clothing, that's wierd". After that I went outside the hotel while the earth moved  like an earthquake. Then all I hear is a siren, everybody screaming, marines shooting guns at the air and airplanes flying around trowing bombs. All I can see is the airplanes shooting the people and dying in the street, people cover in blood, running around with no were to go and crying. I saw one of the airplanes had a red symbol on the wing and then the plane crash in front of me.

Then I woke up sweating in my bed at 7:45:16 it was wierd cause it felt so real, so I took a shower, and then I grabbed the pie I had in the fridge for Shawn, cause today is his birthday. But first I need to make sure he followed me to the Cafeteria because there is a  surprise party for him, every friend of his, especially me is going to be there  and I already know how I'm going to get him there.

His parents are not home until three of clock. So I got inside the house with this spare key that he had on his garden... I went to his room and saw him sleeping like a little angel. He has black hair and had a Elvis Presley hair stile with his blue eyes, his length is 5'10. "He is in boxers and with a t-shirt, this is going to be funny as hell" I said... I grabbed the pie and put it close to his face and then hit him soft on his nuts, so when the pain comes, he will get up, smash his face  with the pie and then I will scream on his face "happy birthday Shawn"... So the plan happened as I expected exept for the part when I scream at him happy birthday, he got up from his bed and started chasing me, all the way down stairs I  opened the door and started walking  to the cafeteria because he stop chasing me. The cafeteria is one block away. When I realize on the way down there was another pie in the table from his parents, when I turned my body to see backwards I saw Shawn with the Pie on his  hands  in my direction. So I started running to the caferia.  
" By the way happy birthday!!" I screamed at him while running. "- I will catch you, you fucking bastard!!" he yelled at me. So when we got there I opened the door and got inside, I saw everybody standing there really nervous to scream and then "happy birthday, Shawn" but anyways Shawn hit me with the Pie... After that happened, everybody started  laughing not only cause he hit me in the face with a pie, but because he was  wearing boxers and a t-shirt with his face full of pie... Then Shawn and I went to his house to clean our faces so Shawn can wear something atleast.

In the way to his house he started to talk about the army. "Tyler we're leaving  tomorrow, you need to enjoy your time"... "Yeah I'm enjoying this day with you, today is your birthday bro".
I said but actually I was thinking to enjoyed with Karilis.

"Nah, is our last day in this town go ahead I'll see you tomorrow on the bus. By the way thank you for the pie men, is tasty". He said eating at the pice of pie he grab from his face.

I started to laugh and did the same.
"Yeah men yours too,  enjoy your time"

"You too".

I grab my t- shirt and clean my face with it.


So I went home to change my clothing. But there was something new in front of the garage of my house there was a car that I have never seen before. I step inside the the house and the first person I saw was my Dad...My life changed after I saw him, his not the good kind of dad. He used to hit my mother and drink bear all the time and he never had  job to carry his family. 

"Son" he says with his cracked voice

"Don't talk to me, I don't want to see you again, ok?"

"Let me explain, you dont understand".

" I don't want to understand". I said while getting my mom's keys. I got out of the house and start my mom's car and left to see my Karilis at her house, in the distance I heard my dad " I love you son". Probably because he knew I was leaving tomorrow.

When I stop In front of my girlfriends house I looked at one of the mirror in the car and saw : My tears running down my white skin, my brown hair with curly style
My brown like coffee eyes.
And it just  remembers me of the dream I had , It felt so real, I honestly don't know what to believe in anymore.

I got out of the car and throwed a rock at her window. She opens it and said "Come inside". I started to climb the tree beside her window and got inside.


January 20th, 1938

Next morning I awake on the her  bed holding her close to me with my arms aroud her... I just stoped thinking about everything else, I stared  at  her sleeping. I hope she doesn't see me staring at her. I stayed for a few minutes staring at her beautiful black hair and soft skin.

But I need it to leave because of the bus, so I  whisper in her ear "I'm sorry but I need to go, I love you".

She wakes and grabs my face and pulls me closer to kiss her soft lips. We kiss  like for a minute and she says crying "I love you too".
"Remember to write every single week". She said crying.

"I will. I will". I answer whispering at her ear will hugging her.

When I get out bed I was going for the window when I realize I was naked. She started to laugh and So I grab a towel and  I start looking for the spare clothe she left in the chair, I found it exept for my boxers.

"You looking for this". She says in a really sexy way while biting her lips.

"Damn" I said .
I needed to get my boxers back, so I went back to bed with her and get my boxers back.

Last thing I know I'm in the bus siting with Shawn and the other guys who wants to join the military too.


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"The recruitmen"
And letters.

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